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VFG Member
VFG Past President

Our original thread is getting a little full so here is the all new version for a new year!

If you have just registered why not introduce yourself to the rest of us? Tell us a little about who you are and what you like because we'd all love to get to know you.

Use this thread for posting an introduction to you!!

Best wishes
Anne Dettmer (artisannes)
VFG President
...trying to be good and pulling from the last of the older thread... WELCOME to Jamie and Laura!
Thanks, Steph! I'm glad you like my site and store. I know what you mean about reproduction patterns being expensive on some of the other sites. I try to keep mine pretty affordable. I usually add a few patterns every week, so keep an eye on my eBay store. Maybe you'll see something you can't live without. :)

Thanks, Steph! I'm glad you like my site and store. I know what you mean about reproduction patterns being expensive on some of the other sites. I try to keep mine pretty affordable. I usually add a few patterns every week, so keep an eye on my eBay store. Maybe you'll see something you can't live without. :)

Hi Sandra, welcome!! We hope you like it here and feel free to jump right in! I learn something new everyday here (most days MANY things) so I am sure you will get your wish!

Hooray!! Sandra made it!! I am so glad to see you here!

Guys, I know Sandra and can tell you she'll be a great asset to the public board. She's a wonderful all around sweatheart!!

Ok Deb, where are the groovy emoticons? I need that bouncing big smiling face!!

3 cheers for Sandra!!

:D Maureen
welcome Sandra! I'm attempting to sell my first items at the moment too and can only describe myself as absoloutely petrified, but seeing as we're both seasoned vintage clothing wearers and have all the fabulous people here to help us I'm sure we're going to do just fine!

I'd love to see a link to your store too, I can't ever get enough vintage clothes, and even if I'm trying to be good and not buy, there's no harm (okay, hardly any harm, except to my bank balance!) in looking!

love, moons and starrs,
Okee, lemme make my formal introduction.
I'm Wendy and I sell vintage repdroduction clothing (sometimes actual vintage clothing, too) on eBay under the username vintagecurves. Most of the things I make are 40s and 50s repros.
I love music, sewing, singing, long walks on the beach, blablablabla....
And I came across this site through a yahoo group...maybe sarockabilly?


Do I have to change my name? I noticed there is another Steph on board! I should be a standup comedienne! :clapping:

Instead of repeating what is in the Water Cooler forum in the below thread about "The cutest little dress forms & mannis"


(thanks very much to Maureen of Vintage Grace and BeehiveYourself for bringing me into the group), I will just say that I love miniature dress forms and miniature mannequins of all styles and materials and almost anything fashion-related.

I'm continuously looking for new products to add so that I can really be the one-stop source for them.

What else can I say without sounding like an advertising rep? :hiya:

Well, if this is allowed, anyone who wants to exchange links with my site, please feel free to email me. Since we're all susceptible to spam, I'm not making it public here, but it's easy to find on my site.

If this isn't acceptable .... :USEROCKY:

Just kidding!

Me too! Me too! Hi all! My name's Joanne and I've been browsing the boards since last November but have not had much time to post or chat. I live in Quebec, Canada (where winter will eventually end... :snowman: Brrr!) and I love vintage clothing! I'm preparing my own web site and hope to soon set up shop in the Babylon Mall. I've been on Ebay full time since 2002. Former handles include museum technician, antique dealer and buyer for interpretation centers.
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