YOO HOO... Lei? I need corset help


VFG Member
I have this corset that is going up, the garters are marked "Spirella" and patented 9-1-14.

Why the two lacings, one in centre back and the other one next to the front busk. Is it for -- maternity???

Also, do you think 1914/15 is a good date for it, or do you think it a bit later?

<img src=http://home.cogeco.ca/~fitsaboy/a_1665.jpg>
<img src=http://home.cogeco.ca/~fitsaboy/a_1664.jpg>
Hi Jonathan

I would say 1914- 1918 would be a good date for this as corsets started to drop down a bit from this long length towards the end of 1919.
It isn't a maternity corset but a front lacing corset! :) Although there were a few front lacing corsets made in the Victorian era (mostly for maternity use), they really didn't come into their own until 1910 when the longline corsets became popular.

Now, if anyone has EVER laced themselves into a longline corset, you know how tricky and long it takes to do up the long row of laces at the back.

Front lacing corsets were promoted as being convienient to do up (obviously) and as being able to give better figure control and support as since you would be able to see what you were doing, you could adjust the laces evenly and tighter.

When you first got the corset, you would set the back laces to the size you needed and then from there on, when you put the corset on, all you would need to do would be to adjust the front.
Voila! No more straining to do up the long row of back lacing everyday!

Spirella often made front lacing corsets and they had factories here in England and in the US too.

BTW, if anyone asks you what the boning is, it's spiral steel! :)
