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  1. Jessica McClarnon

    Jessica McClarnon Registered Guest

    I recently acquired some clothing and accsessories from an 90yr old family member.
    There are hats, mostly made my Jacoll, a handbag made by Mclaren and two others without labels. The clothing is mostly St Michaels, which I know was Marks and Spencers, and Bhs.
    There is also handmade dresses. Most of the stuff, to me, looks around 50s/60s/70s.
    There is also a mink stole which I think is real.
    If I can manage to post pictures of everything would anybody be able to help date/value the items? This is one of the dresses that says St Michaels on the label and the stole.
    Thank you.
    image.jpg image.jpg
  2. Retro Ruth

    Retro Ruth VFG Member Staff Member

    Hi Jessica and Welcome to the VFG forums.

    We can certainly help with dating, but not valuing. I suggest you read this thread first:


    Maybe divide your pieces into small groups of similar items and start a separate thread in the q&a forum for each group, and I'm sure you'll get lots of help. Please include pics of labels. I'm quite familiar with St Michael labels over the decades, so they will help a lot with dating.

    I think that dress might be 80s but could be earlier, and I'll know for sure if I can see the label.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2014
  3. Retro Ruth

    Retro Ruth VFG Member Staff Member

    Also, if your Bhs clothing says Bhs on the label, rather than British Home Stores, it's likely to be mid-80s or later, but again pictures will help.
  4. Jessica McClarnon

    Jessica McClarnon Registered Guest

    Thank you I will post in the q&as section once I have photographed and grouped everything. This is the label of the dress I posted though... image.jpg
  5. Retro Ruth

    Retro Ruth VFG Member Staff Member

    Yes, that's definitely a 1980s St Michael label.
    Jessica McClarnon likes this.
  6. peaceful vintage

    peaceful vintage Administrator VFG Past President

    Hi, Your Mink wrap is real as well but it consists of two pelts, does not have any design other than looking like the animal it always does so it is hard to date based on what's shown. If it has any closures or a lining you can show photos of those which we may be able to use to help you determine date.
    Jessica McClarnon likes this.

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