I have these two St Michael label dresses which I wanted to check the dating on before I submit the labels to our resource as we don't have either. I read the old thread on all the M&S labels but these two are in that void between what we know. I wondered if Ruth may have more information on that label document she got from M&S? - they never got back to me...
This came from the big house clearance I did ages ago (still got two bags to go through...!), in which there was nothing later than early 70's but I thought this looked late 60's/early 70s. Linen texture fabric, quite heavy. Buckle marked will not rust. (interestingly the belt is almost the same as that on a RAF suit I have yet to date) The bold print washing label symbols are unlike any I have seen, particularly that green one (which looks like radiator dry? lol), so I'm thinking this is an earlier label - I really think it would be useful to include this side/secondary label with the main in the resource, as it helps to differentiate between the ones we have.
I thought this dress was either late 1970s or early 1980s, the red is darker in reality, combined with the ruffle front, slim bell sleeves and neck tie pushes me towards the former.
This came from the big house clearance I did ages ago (still got two bags to go through...!), in which there was nothing later than early 70's but I thought this looked late 60's/early 70s. Linen texture fabric, quite heavy. Buckle marked will not rust. (interestingly the belt is almost the same as that on a RAF suit I have yet to date) The bold print washing label symbols are unlike any I have seen, particularly that green one (which looks like radiator dry? lol), so I'm thinking this is an earlier label - I really think it would be useful to include this side/secondary label with the main in the resource, as it helps to differentiate between the ones we have.
I thought this dress was either late 1970s or early 1980s, the red is darker in reality, combined with the ruffle front, slim bell sleeves and neck tie pushes me towards the former.