carla rey
VFG Member
Photo credits: TOP: 1. Arun Sharma / 2. Molly Mears / 3.Jennifer Marquez/ 4. Hanen Souhail
MIDDLE: 1. Shahin Khalaji / 2. Alex Shaw / 3. Khaled Ghareeb
BOTTOM: 1. Anthony Tran / 2. Shahin Khalaji / 3. 邱 严 4. Rosa Rafael
Statement Sleeves
From traditional to avant-garde, romantic to whimsical – sleeves can transform any outfit, adding a sense of drama, romance and flair. Be they angular kimono sleeves, romantic poet sleeves, flared, ruffled, leg of mutton, puff, tiered or tasseled—the only limit is your imagination! Fashionistas create your style... and let your statement sleeves do the talking!