Fur help please - ermine or rabbit?


VFG President
Staff member
The previous owner of this 1930s velvet evening jacket described the fur collar as ermine.

I assumed she was mistaken and that it would be rabbit. I have no personal experience with ermine, but as I compare the images and the descriptions of ermine and rabbit in our Fur Resource with my eyes and my fingers, I am now wondering if it is actually ermine?

It is very soft, fairly short, uniform in length, no guard hairs. Underlying skins getting a little crumbly here and there unfortunately.
one of the features of ermine is its black tipped tails, so without that feature.....
But mink has guard hairs, yes?

I definitely think of the black tipped tails when I picture ermine, but our fur resource has several all-white ermine examples, as well as an all-brown jacket, which I did not expect.
I think it is sheared rabbit. They feel very, very similar, but while the actual hair on a rabbit feels thinner individually, it is much denser in quantity (both are fantastically butter-y soft). I was reading this and thinking, I should grab some pieces and take a picture. And, then I remembered I have a pile of "notions" behind me, at my desk.

The pure white puffs are rabbit, the two-tone tails are ermine.

IMG_3101.JPG IMG_3102.JPG IMG_3103.JPG IMG_3104.JPG