Happy 90th Nylon! • The VFG Fashion Parade for the week of February 24, 2025


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VFG Past President

The brainchild of chemist Wallace Carothers at DuPont ninety years ago, nylon strutted onto the scene as the very first synthetic fiber, with earlier manmade fibers rayon and acetate being plant-based. Strong, stretchy, fast-drying, and resistant to bugs and rot—nylon was a sensation. First used for toothbrushes in 1938, it hit the fashion scene with a bang in 1939 when women’s hosiery took center stage, creating a nylon frenzy that had everyone clamoring for more.

During WWII, nylon traded its high heels for combat boots, stepping in for Japanese silk in parachutes. After the war, the nylon craze roared back to life, expanding into all sorts of garments and household items.

Fun fact: Nylon stockings first strutted onto the scene in 1939, but thanks to the war, most nylon items you'll find are from 1946 onward.

So here's to nylon, the fiber that has been holding it all together for 90 years!
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1970s hot pink nylon nightgown

1960s NOS nylon apron by Fruit of the Loom

From my sold orders:

1960s NOS nylon full slip by Gara of Italy


1950s NOS nylon full slip. The original tag talked about the qualities of nylon, provided a 12-month guarantee - and plugged the right laundry detergent to use with this new-fangled material!

Huber slip 11.jpg

1950s NOS full slip - made of perlon - the German competitor of nylon