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  1. vivavintageclothing

    dating help on couture Givenchy jacket 80's? 90's?

    Thanks for the input, folks! I feel better saying it's late 80's if it's not just me who thinks so! :USETHUMBUP: Amy
  2. vivavintageclothing

    dating help on couture Givenchy jacket 80's? 90's?

    dating help on couture Givenchy jacket 80\'s? 90\'s? Hi, Can anyone help with an approximate date on this Givenchy jacket? I'm thinking 80's or early 90's, but I'd love some advice! Thank you! Amy
  3. vivavintageclothing

    wanted late 40's early 50's hat

    Howdy! I have a very cute early 1950's navy straw hat with ribbon trim on my site,, under "Ladies' Hats" on the 3rd page. Is this too summery? I think it's adorable! Good Luck! Amy @
  4. vivavintageclothing

    How old am I? And am I legal?

    It looks like seal fur to me, especially the way it has faded around the hem. I've had several seal pieces that were similarly faded. The fastener appears 1930's, and that style of short cape was popular for evening wear in the 30's--but 1930's clothing sometimes copied Vivctorian and...
  5. vivavintageclothing

    Are you NEW?? Introduce Yourself!! 2006-2014

    Hi everyone! I"m so glad to get registered and start checking out all the useful info you experts are kind enough to share! I've been in the vintage clothing business since 1993, first managing a store in the Chicago area, then opeing my own shop in 1997 (Viva Vintage in Evanston, IL), and...