Search results

  1. MagsRags

    Dior--New York and update

    I’m not sure the author was intending to say that Marc Bohan was sent in the early days of Dior New York. Just that he was sent, at some unspecified time. But I agree it could be clearer.
  2. MagsRags

    Dior--New York and update

    I did a bit of searching and found an April 2024 article on the Vogue Arabia website about Maria Grazia Chiurri and her "Dior New York inspirations". It does have some historical background. Chiurri:
  3. MagsRags

    Pendelton Wool Cape w capelet. Age? A moth hole

    If you haven't already, consider doing a freeze-thaw-freeze on your garment so you can be confident that whatever moth ate your cape hasn't left any descendants behind. You want to protect your other woolens and be able to give a buyer reassurance about their own closet.
  4. MagsRags

    1940s dress from 2024

    That's only one of many reasons to apply for VFG membership! From the pertinent website section on joining (link to application attached): Member benefits include: Numerous opportunities for promotion that give members visibility to thousands of viewers: Weekly promotion through our public...
  5. MagsRags

    1940s dress from 2024

    I like the control I have over the speed with my Singer. No risk of stepping too hard on the power and having it run away faster than I want to go. My only regret is no zipper foot. it comes from a time before home sewers were using zippers.
  6. MagsRags

    1940s dress from 2024

    Re: sewing I resemble that remark! I grew up on a farm, and wanted to join the local 4-H club. 4-H is great, but this was a girls club, and the offerings were all in the vein of future housewife - cooking, sewing, "crafts", baby sitting. Not a farm animal in sight, sadly. My mom said I could...
  7. MagsRags

    Can’t read the label, thanks much!

    Owner's monogram was my first thought as well.
  8. MagsRags

    We have a new VFG member - please welcome Mary aka Dime a Dance!!

    Mary Podiadsly @dime a dance joins us from Wisconsin, where she spends 7 days most weeks at a brick & mortar vintage ship in Cedarburg, a small city 20 miles north of Milwaukee. Mary has been in business for more than 40 years! An internet search while writing this brief bio turned up a...
  9. MagsRags

    Fancy collar and tie -- when was this picture taken?

    Welcome to the VFG forums! Menswear changed more slowly and subtly than womenswear did. To me, your ancestor's collar looks like a detachable starched collar - this Wikipedia article gives a pretty good overview. They came in a variety of shapes. Most were washable and heavily starched, but I...
  10. MagsRags

    Info about this velvet skirt I bought at a charity shop?

    Your skirt has pretty classic lines, which makes it harder to date. I do see some Niedieck velvet pieces online at various venues - eBay, poshmark, etsy - a few with your label dated as 70s.
  11. MagsRags

    Info about this velvet skirt I bought at a charity shop?

    Pretty! Those two statements are in possible conflict. You would need to know how and why the shop owner dated the skirt to pre-2000 despite being unsure of where it came from. Sometimes there are clues; e.g. design details, or care and content labels. Sometimes it’s instinct, which can be...
  12. MagsRags

    All Aboard the Vintage Fashion Guild Train! It's our Fall Fundraiser for 2024!

    I must second the kudos to our two leads on the fundraiser - Maggie @denisebrain and Jolene @BlackLotusVintage. And to bring it full circle, Maggie/d is our immediate past president, and Jolene is our president elect!!
  13. MagsRags

    Puzzled about the age of this cardigan

    Jolene, is the knock off you found from Ali Express? Or somewhere else? I keep wondering why an “H” was chosen for the design, and whether Ali Express’s might be a knock off of the knock off. I like the colorway of the knockoff better than the original Gucci.
  14. MagsRags

    Is this a 70s does 50s or a true 60s dress?

    Except the pasteboard size tag sewn to the bottom of the zipper looks original.
  15. MagsRags

    Puzzled about the age of this cardigan

    There seemed to be contradictory estimates - like 80s vs 2024!
  16. MagsRags

    VFG's Fresh Vintage on YouTube: 2024

    It's the freshest!! Here is this week's Fresh Vintage video. Click to watch on the VFG YouTube channel.
  17. MagsRags

    Puzzled about the age of this cardigan

    That is such a distinct pattern that I uploaded a photo of the back to google search by image. The horse pattern looks like it might have originated with Gucci, but their argyle version features alternating shades of horses in the diamonds. Unfortunately I found the horses alternating with "H"...
  18. MagsRags

    Is this a 70s does 50s or a true 60s dress?

    I agree with Maggie/denisebrain. Even everyday dresses weren't hemmed with a narrow machine-sewn stitch like that in the 50s and 60s - they had proper hems, usually 1-3" deep, and hidden stitching that didn't show on the outside. And that would hold even truer for a party dress. Someone...
  19. MagsRags

    Fresh Vintage - Nov. 14 - Nov. 20

    Thank you. I love it too!
  20. MagsRags

    I would love help dating this vintage quilted jumpsuit

    Except when you have to visit the ladies room. Some of those ladies rooms were veryvery cold.
  21. MagsRags

    Fresh Vintage - Nov. 14 - Nov. 20

    Freshly listed at a 20s silk velvet evening cape with 3-D flower collar - the flower petals are backed with silver lame
  22. MagsRags

    All Aboard the Vintage Fashion Guild Train! It's our Fall Fundraiser for 2024!

    That is fab, Janine! Schiaparelli hatboxes are very recognizable, and have their own intrinsic value, faded or not.
  23. MagsRags

    All Aboard the Vintage Fashion Guild Train! It's our Fall Fundraiser for 2024!

    It is a great hat, and so generous of Janine to offer it at auction to benefit the VFG!
  24. MagsRags

    VFG's Fresh Vintage on YouTube: 2024

    Enjoy our most recent Fresh Vintage slideshow video, hosted on the VFG YouTube channel!
  25. MagsRags

    Knowlton Hats

    I like the drama of that hat! I am not one of our hat experts, but I can bump this for you.
  26. MagsRags

    Slumber Party: The VFG Parade for the week of November 11, 2024

    I'm a little late to the slumber party! Available at A lacy nylon nightgown from Munsingwear 60s Asian satin pajamas 40s satin slingback slippers by Daniel Green for the guys, 50s striped pajamas from Weldon - the shirt could easily be worn IRL and a 70s stretchy lace...
  27. MagsRags

    HI! Need some help dating this dress, was thinking early 1920s but now my search is suggesting 1960s

    Not necessarily. Traditional folk work is fairly timeless and can be much harder to date because designs and techniques don't change much over time, except to become more automated. Hopefully someone else will chime in here.
  28. MagsRags

    HI! Need some help dating this dress, was thinking early 1920s but now my search is suggesting 1960s

    It may have been custom sewn, or made in another country not intended for export - they wouldn't do labels if it was being sold to a traveler. The embroidery work reminds me of Philippine embroidery.
  29. MagsRags

    HI! Need some help dating this dress, was thinking early 1920s but now my search is suggesting 1960s

    Very pretty! I agree not 20s. It could be 1960s, but there have been several 60s revivals since then and it could be newer. Photos of labels, care tags, and inner construction will help.