Search results

  1. Another Time Antiques

    New Vintage Jewels to tease you with

    Hi all! I'm kind of excited..... I've been working all week on photos, measures, writing etc and just finished first batch of "new" vintage jools to make ya drool! (I hope!) Some on Auction.... Some in my Ebay store.... check 'em out. :love008: more coming...
  2. Another Time Antiques

    Yuka alligator shoes???

    I knew someone would ask eventually. I have shoes where the original box is marked: YUKA Allig. But the brand name is AirStep. I'm thinking it is not a type of alligator but actually Yuka being the shoe manufacturer. I did find Yuka Shoes under a wholesale directory. any ideas? I have...
  3. Another Time Antiques

    Bidpay gone

    Maybe it's just that I'm super slow..... just found out today via another forum board that bit the dust. dang!:no:
  4. Another Time Antiques

    Sorta OT--are there ANY honest eBay sellers left?

    whoa folks...... Before this thread gets way too loaded up with negativity, let's just stop a minute here and think what we're doing! To put forth the thoughts that most Ebay buying and/or selling is bad (and then trying to say, oh all but us) is grossly unfair to whole big lot of people...
  5. Another Time Antiques

    mad times ahead

    Jamie.....was that identify fraud? a regular bank/charge account? or online account. Wish I had wonderful words of advice to help you out, but just know there are many folks thinking good thoughts & positive energy to you - soak it in!
  6. Another Time Antiques

    Any Vera Collectors?

    Lizzie.... Have been a Vera print fan and hoard her scarves in my collection. I loved your article. Very informative and great photos. Your site just keeps gettin' better n better all the time! Great articles!!
  7. Another Time Antiques

    Red Hot Shoes - bet they don't last

    argh.....opening bid only with lots of watchers! I don't get it. Oh well....can't win 'em all!:hysterical:
  8. Another Time Antiques

    It's on the Pulse!

    Thanks..... almost a pound of packing tissue to protect that crown/brim and flowers and she's on her way across the seas! Lordy I hope those flowers make it ok!!!!!
  9. Another Time Antiques

    It's on the Pulse!

    Thanks..... almost a pound of packing tissue to protect that crown/brim and flowers and she's on her way across the seas! Lordy I hope those flowers make it ok!!!!!
  10. Another Time Antiques

    It's on the Pulse!

    YeeeeHaw! Where's that $100 thread when I need it!!!!!!!! This particular auction was a huge hit all around.... 446 hits at closing Excellent sale price made the Pulse for vintage accessories all around great PR for my ebay store - other items have jumped in views. what more could I...
  11. Another Time Antiques

    Watch your eyes!

    betcha they wind up on the top parade list! What a wild pr of pants!!!! Lordy....can you imagine if there is a matching sport coat somewhere???:o
  12. Another Time Antiques

    Art DEco Bag at 9.99 to go!

    Thanks! She is just as beautiful and MORE in person! (I'm hoping it makes the pulse by the end of the auction!:bouncy: )
  13. Another Time Antiques

    It's on the Pulse!

    It\'s on the Pulse! Yeeeeee Haw!!!!!!!! First Time ever and I'm ecstatic! She made the Pulse for vintage accessories!!! no reserve auction
  14. Another Time Antiques

    Blogs & Newsletters

    As I slowly but surely master the schedules of online stores and websites, I see I am quickly falling behind AGAIN! I'd like to propose a workshop dealing with the basics of the new communication tools - blogs and the subscription newsletters. Any brief intro into these fields will be most...
  15. Another Time Antiques

    Stocking and Sock Sizes? Help me understand !

    Being a size 9-11 stocking since I was a teenager....!!!! .... I think the scales are pretty much the same. What I do is measure the foot length (heel to toe) just like we do with shoes. Yes they stretch but at least the person has a starting point. What concerns me more is that "chubby...
  16. Another Time Antiques

    Sienna dumps Boho for Mod

    ".......Sienna has adopted a whole new Mod look" uh, umm did I miss something here. Mod is New?????? And where has this Sienna been for the last year??????????? Will have to nosey around the mag. stands and look. (I cancelled my Vogue when they went over the deep end with near death...
  17. Another Time Antiques

    1950s? 1950's? 50's? 50s?

    ok.....experiment now in progress. Took auction titles and converted to " 's " dates. Will note if hits increase and report back!
  18. Another Time Antiques

    My new exhibition just opened at Oakville museum

    Great pictures and Wowza collection (as always!) Gosh...that's only a couple of hours and a border to cross away. Will have to book a sunny day trip to see these. we need passports now to go to Canada???
  19. Another Time Antiques

    Art DEco Bag at 9.99 to go!

    :USING: The stars told me to do it! ARt Deco Star Beaded Bag- No Reserve! Don't miss this opportunity - she's a beauty. :USETHUMBUP:
  20. Another Time Antiques

    New Ebay Offerings..Lots Of Lingerie

    Cat..... I'm not sure that "rayon gaberdine" is a correct term to use. Gaberdine is generally a cotton weave. Wonder if you have a faille fabric here in the rayon? just 2 cents. Love that Suit!!!!!!!!!
  21. Another Time Antiques

    The ultimate VLV wear!

    wow!!!!!!! They are amazing! If you get to the wire and they still haven't gotten bids...I'd seriously consider closing early and list later! They are too darn good to lose for opening prices!!!
  22. Another Time Antiques

    Customers.....'s true! :booze: My B&M store is going on "by chance or appt only" for the month of February. First time in 13 years of owning a store I've done this. But..... so many are shopping online so I'm staying home to beef up my Stores business online. Seems the extremes are the...
  23. Another Time Antiques

    Another Time goodies for you----

    geee Chris.....what took you so long! hahahaha
  24. Another Time Antiques

    Another Time goodies for you----

    and some more too! ooppsie.... fixed the link......the pompom shoes are just the cutest! Wouldn't want you to miss 'em. And just added these for auction this morning---No Reserve! red white & blue patent leather spike shoes can we say........ V L V???? :love008: And I just filled up...
  25. Another Time Antiques

    Another Time goodies for you----

    And just a couple more I listed for quick sale-- 1960s Womens Super Spy Trench Coat Faux Leopard Hat & Matching Shoulder Bag Yellow PomPom Canvas Flat Dress Shoes oh, and you know........there's more in the Store and Mall! Come visit. I'm trying to get myself back in the groove......
  26. Another Time Antiques

    Wow...I am now free to fly about the world

    I have to admit....the pool bar was a big hit for sure! Even the kids could "swim up" for some fun jr. beverages. This is a family geared resort and believe me they have everything!!! covered. yea.....aren't they a cute couple.... :wub: (proud momma here) Sooo cool to watch young love...
  27. Another Time Antiques

    Wow...I am now free to fly about the world

    Well friends my dream trip is come & gone already! We made our 5 day trip to Jamaica for my son's wedding and I am still (a full week later) trying to re-adjust to being back home in western, snowy cold NY! I know we were living in artificial lala land, being at a resort and all, but oh my...
  28. Another Time Antiques

    Red Hot Shoes - bet they don't last

    Red Hot Shoes - bet they don\'t last bestest bestest shoes in the store!!!!!! Check these out. I'm sure they won't last!!! Available in vcmall store now!
  29. Another Time Antiques

    10--30% off!!!

    Just finished going through the VC-Mall store for the accessories sale! Lots of items are now 10--30% off!!! I think I even put 50% on a couple!!! Sale good through month of December. We're in Jamaica 8--12 ..... so if you shop then I'll email ya later!! :love008:
  30. Another Time Antiques

    Everybody pets this!

    Thought it would fly out of the store.... but not yet. May put on auction.... after J A I M I C A!!! :love008: