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  1. Another Time Antiques

    late night additions -

    Boggle eyed here and soon off to szzzzz land. But here's what I posted tonight (along with the black velvet roses dress and the purple coat) vintage never worn Bandolino black leather boots are you ready for this... had a pair of these in tan (auction closes soon) and then found...
  2. Another Time Antiques

    A re-introduction......

    Forgive me... but I want to re-show-off a couple of items that are really gorgeous and "in" for now! I have very bad photos before....and think these are an improvement!! Both are in the Mall store.... this one will be going on ebay either tonight or tomorrow. there...
  3. Another Time Antiques

    FAB!! Military white and black hat!!

    What could possibly be more chic for the fall miliary style coats????????? Faux white leather & Black Velvet Military Chic hat!:P
  4. Another Time Antiques


    Maggie... Wonderfule!!!!!! MAKE SURE you follow ebay's guidelines for your listings or they will get pulled!! Chris...... great info and things I never even thought about for non-profits.!! Now a new twist here: I want to do so much much more is needed. I'm starting a...
  5. Another Time Antiques

    And now appearing in an Ebay Auction near you!

    Swammie Babba says....... I see $$$$$$$$$$$$ for you! :BAGUSE:
  6. Another Time Antiques


    Oh are funny! ....... and correct! Actually NO>>>>>>>> you cannot just put in an auction and "say you are donating". You MUST REGISTER with MissionFish OR have a certified letter from a non-profit charitable organization stating you are an agent on their behalf posted (image...
  7. Another Time Antiques


    ya know....I guess that's why I did go with them afterall... it's all set up and a $3 fee is not that much really. They have expenses too to manage all that .....
  8. Another Time Antiques

    The Cheek! I need help with a reply to this buyer, please.

    Leisa - The customs duty can be stiff for some foreign buyers ...and "sometimes" I will bend a little to help out a "steady" buyer. That 40 figure gets her under the 50 value mark which starts costing $$$. Be sure to mark as "used". Make sure inside invoice is "correct" value. It's...
  9. Another Time Antiques


    Maggie... After I had already signed up with MissionFish I have read lots of posts about "issues" with them. I would be interested to hear back from you again regarding your success/ease of doing it "directly". I sure would prefer to send All the money to my donation designation. For now...
  10. Another Time Antiques

    My Son's Bride to be is cleaning house

    and now one of our very own.... vfg members... will now be boxing!! ?? :)
  11. Another Time Antiques

    Why does the VFG server close down at night now?

    good to hear..... I was wondering the same thing!
  12. Another Time Antiques

    My Son's Bride to be is cleaning house

    My Son\'s Bride to be is cleaning house Oh pardon me..... but I felt a little silly and Lord knows we can still use a smile today. My future daughter in law asked me to help her wedding finances and closet cleaning...... here's what she gave me: Her Gloves and her boots and she's...
  13. Another Time Antiques


    Another group: If these are "shameless plugs" .... so be it. :USING: GO BID! dON'T WATCH.... DON'T SNIPE. :USEGUN: iF YOU LIKE IT BUY IT AND KNOW YOUR MONEY IS GOING TO THE RED CROSS 2 wonderful jewelry items were pulled from the Mall sale and posted on Ebay for Donation: 14k gold...
  14. Another Time Antiques

    Pamper Yourself Sale

    oh you bet cha! I've got almost every thing on Sale for this event!!! And I'll still be adding items .... and giving a little treat on the new ones too! Just use the mall link below-- .......Moms deserve a little break today......!:love008:
  15. Another Time Antiques


    I pulled a few of my items from the VC-Mall and have listed them on Ebay with Donationto American Red Cross ...pls go get them NOW! and help some HURRICANE victims in the process too! If you are like me and you have perhaps more goods than available cash, you can create your own...
  16. Another Time Antiques

    Does Anyone Else HAVE to Earn a Living in Vintage?

    so many thoughts...... I have so many thoughts here... I'm self employed with Another Time since 1978 and always in vintage (plus more). I'm going to fight myself:USEROCKY: to keep it short here! (Great comments already spoken... and pls pardon the lack of author reference here). "a lot...
  17. Another Time Antiques

    WANTED: Men's 1970 Leisure Suits

    I'm gonna cry...... three weeks ago I sent away a customer who wanted to see me a bunch of 70s suits.......!!!!!!! I'll see if I can track her back down!
  18. Another Time Antiques

    Cleaning velvet

    ohhh great tip! Never hear that before about nylon stockings. And some more notes about velvet cleaning: Don't dry clean with stains in the velvet as the cleaning process will only serve to set the stains further! Buy wisely. Musty odor?? Bury...... yes bury.... your velvet dress in...
  19. Another Time Antiques

    Anyone know this label? SSSSSSSSS

    Wow.... we have a Syms here in Rochester. I never new that they actually branded their goods! Very interesting tidbit!
  20. Another Time Antiques

    Black Velvet Roses Wiggle Dress

    Thanks Linda... it's funny because I do have some visitors come and spend lots and lots of time there ... there's "something" about that environment that speaks to those who will listen.... I decided to drop the website store catalog and just do vignettes around the store. (We're working...
  21. Another Time Antiques

    If you are shoe or advertising collector...

    what a great idea packaging the shoes up with the ads!!! Did you get them together ?
  22. Another Time Antiques

    If you are shoe or advertising collector...

    what a great idea packaging the shoes up with the ads!!! Did you get them together ?
  23. Another Time Antiques

    Purple Suede/cloth GOGO BOOTS!!!!!

    Let the party begin!!!!!!!!! I absolutely LOVE these boots!!!!! Oh how I remember a day when I could wear heels like this....... on auction now!
  24. Another Time Antiques

    Black Velvet Roses Wiggle Dress

    re fabric.... nope it's not a chiffon over-layer. The velvet roses are raised from the sheer fabric... I know there is a technical name for this type of fabric--but I'm brain dead at the moment. Anyone?? ....Yes I know velvet is IT for fall. And I have some awesome velvets of all eras...
  25. Another Time Antiques

    A Fashionable Summer ~ Joe Famolare

    Chris.... as you were packing it in...I was just getting online for the evening! Great reading and wonderful info. (I'm highly motivated to pull the other workshops in archive and read through!!) Your efforts on this are much appreciated!
  26. Another Time Antiques

    BOHO Emb Suede Shoes

    and here's another pr of suedes..... Boho for sure!!! Never Worn!!! and are you ready for this--have them in steel blue suede too! (both are 9N) more picture work tomorrow-
  27. Another Time Antiques

    BOHO Emb Suede Shoes

    Pulled from my VC shop and put up for auction: embroidered suede shoes why???.....cause I have many classy vintage sporty--dressy/career shoes for fall to photo this week and list! So take a peek at these .... and be sure to stop back in a bit!!
  28. Another Time Antiques

    Black Velvet Roses Wiggle Dress

    Just added this sweetie to the Mall store: Very fitting with a big scoop back. The pink underlining shows off the velvet roses beautifully. Even has zippers in the arm cuffs ...... it's REALLY a wiggle dress!!! also put this one in..... Crystals are soooooo attractive! And...
  29. Another Time Antiques

    Brick and Mortar Vintage Stores/Shops list - US and Canada

    Another Time Antiques! Well Let me take a moment to introduce you to my Brick and Mortar shop! I'm not going to load up pictures here because I created a "walking tour" through the Gallery link on my website. I hope you'll visit! Another Time is my soul baby and was born in 1978...
  30. Another Time Antiques

    vta sellers resouce page All the info you need!

    Last night I spent some time looking at what the current VTA was and how it was doing. I was very sad to see many listings where the seller used VTA in the title for the keyword advantage...... but did not have any reference or links about VTA in there auction template! hmmmmmm...