Search results

  1. Hattysattic

    For those who need a good laugh... or two!

    "Officials say the company had a malfunction, caused by human error, in its automated detergent loading device, releasing 167 gallons of a harmless but concentrated detergent." Blimey, I bet whoever it was got into a good deal of trouble! (nearly said in a real lather but decided that's just...
  2. Hattysattic

    Just listed this week on C&C!

    Looking good Lei! :hiya:
  3. Hattysattic

    Vintage Inspiration: Beauty in the details (Post items now-for April 17, blog feature)

    Maggie that's beautiful! I am listing on Sunday so will get stuff up here tomorrow night hopefully. I just need a different (free) photohost as imageshack won't do anything other than thumbnails and it's driving me crazy!:mad:
  4. Hattysattic

    Vintage Inspiration: Prints Charming (Post items now-for April 17, blog feature)

    Deborah - let me know when you list the Petri dress!
  5. Hattysattic

    Are you NEW?? Introduce Yourself!! 2006-2014

    Hello to both of you! TresChic (sorry I don't know your name) your finds sound super. It's just the start of a slippery slope you realise.. You#ll have to let us know what else you find! :) Linda, it's great to have you here. :hiya: Don't worry about the whole technology thing, a lot of...
  6. Hattysattic

    ------Private Collection On Sale------

    Hello Rose :) Just echoing Hollis really. It depends how you wish to dispose of things, and how much free time you have to devote! I'm sure there are any number of dealers in your area who may be interested as a wholesale lot. If you decide to approach any (or have any approach you)...
  7. Hattysattic

    Need Help Dating a Lace Dress Please

    Wow, that's lovely! Looks 1930's to me!
  8. Hattysattic

    Need Help Dating a Lace Dress Please

    Hi Marti :) LInks weren't working, hopefully this will..
  9. Hattysattic

    denisebrain has gone to the dogs (and cats)

    Maggie, maybe that's it as your website is on my allowed list. What's your photo hosts address, as I shall change my popup blocker to allow them, and see if that makes it work? (edited to add: weirdly I cannot get to material girl at all, it just gives me a 'page cannot be...
  10. Hattysattic

    denisebrain has gone to the dogs (and cats)

    Maggie, I can still only see your ebay gallery pictures, I just get pizza boxes. Sob. is it just me?
  11. Hattysattic

    Donald Davies

    I think there is a label resource entry with a picture of Lizzie's, so she may still have something - you never know!
  12. Hattysattic

    Vintage Inspiration 2007 continued: another opportunity to showcase your items!Update re: links

    :USETHUMBUP: This sounds like much fun Brenda! So although we are limited to 3 pictures per item, we can submit as many different (relevant) items to the thread as we want - is that right? :)
  13. Hattysattic

    Donald Davies

    Hi Jasper, I was going to say ebay but looks like you're already on it when I did a quick search :D Aside from that, asking here is a good move as members may well have items in their inventory that is unlisted. I'm afraid I don't, but hopefully someone else will be able to help.
  14. Hattysattic

    Marlbeck Fashions, London - anyone?

    Love it!! Sadly I am no help either, just stopped in to nose at the pictures. Is it a self fabric tie belt Deborah? And are they flared trousers? :D
  15. Hattysattic

    Swimsuit timeline ?

    The colours look early 80s to me. Great picture!
  16. Hattysattic

    Are you NEW?? Introduce Yourself!! 2006-2014

    :USETHUMBUP: Love it Sharon! Good luck with it :)
  17. Hattysattic

    Coming soon to website and ebay!

    Thanks guys! It's so hard to keep the momentum; sun came out today and instead of continuing my photographs I spent the day grappling with a very overgrown back garden.. Ah well, more tomorrow. The wedding dress is approx a UK6/8 (so US 4/6) but being bias cut all over the shop it would be...
  18. Hattysattic

    Coming soon to website and ebay!

    And for ebay next week: more later!
  19. Hattysattic

    Coming soon to website and ebay!

    Well I've finally remembered what a camera looks like.. have been busy with my antiques centre concession lately (and a child that kept getting ill - how inconvenient of him :( ), but am getting back on that horse... I'll add more to this thread as I go along but here are a few swimwear...
  20. Hattysattic

    Show me your Easter bonnet!!

    Jody - I think I have the sister to your butterfly hat, in it's original box (as ever, sorry about clicky thumbnails);
  21. Hattysattic

    Pucci slip - ?s

    How cool! I am not a Pucci expert but I would agree on date style wise.
  22. Hattysattic

    Up and Running on Ebay

    Oh Hollis, they will inevitably go WAAAY to high for me to get involved but I so wish I could. Really great selection!
  23. Hattysattic

    Older (underdress?) that I need help with!

    I'm not listing this, it was a 'gift' ages ago from a friend of my Dad who was clearing out an attic. I'd always assumed it was 19th century but I am so clueless that as I had the spotlights/mannequin out i may as well take a few quick snaps (sorry I haven't ironed it). Am not going to state...
  24. Hattysattic

    Owch - Vintage Buying Spree!

    I was going to say, surely I didn't miss something!
  25. Hattysattic

    A good article about Laura Ashley

    The biography is on my 'must pick up a copy' list. Laura Ashley is still going, I think the company picked up a little again but do a lot more home furnishings/furniture - it's an older article. You can see how that would happen quite easily (losing the 'look'); speaking as a bit of a...
  26. Hattysattic

    Owch - Vintage Buying Spree!

    Am I reading that right and you are getting married? :D