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  1. MagsRags

    Donna Karan Skirt

    You are welcome! From a 2017 NY Times article: What Does Couture Actually Mean? "haute couture, by its very nature, is an archaic throwback. It is only produced in Paris, by a handful of designers (14 officially) and presented twice a year, in January and July. Haute couture pieces are...
  2. MagsRags

    unknown type of tag/label

    My understanding has also been that these are old dry cleaning tags. I wonder if Greengrove was the customer's last name? And perhaps the 5 digits are her zip code? Just guessing.
  3. MagsRags

    Louis-Gabriel nouchi x galleries Lafayette 2015 capsule shirt

    I walked through the flagship Galeries Lafayette in the 9th arrondissement on my first trip to Paris in 2017. It is a huge and overwhelming place - 750,000 SF! And almost all of it is high end fashion. According to Nouchi's website, he started his own label in 2017. It does also mention the...
  4. MagsRags

    Help dating this jacket! Royal Patent?

    I love the colors! They did a nice job matching the plaid too.
  5. MagsRags

    Donna Karan Skirt

    I did find a deadstock version of this skirt listed on Etsy - if you search there for Karan skirt gold logo pulls, you should find it. That seller does state that the pulls are 24K gold plated, but I don't see what she is basing that on - if you contact her, she may be able to offer some sort of...
  6. MagsRags

    Donna Karan Skirt

    Bumping for you. Hopefully someone with expertise in this brand will be along! ETA: I don't know you have checked the VFG Label Resource entry for Donna Karan. Our team does research the information we provide. It looks like Donna Karan started in 1985. Your label looks like an earlier one...
  7. MagsRags

    Welcome to our newest VFG member Jeanne Rowell of Hush antiques vintage

    So glad you applied anyway! And once you get comfortable here, it would be great to talk about how the VFG might bridge that gap for other qualified folks who are hesitating. Me too! I grew up on a small farm about an hour outside of Chicago. We were dirt poor, which is partly how I got from...
  8. MagsRags

    Welcome to our newest VFG member Jeanne Rowell of Hush antiques vintage

    Hi Jeanne! Welcome to the VFG. Hope to see you here in the forums regularly. tip my hat
  9. MagsRags

    Does anyone recognise the tag “Street Puma Casual”?

    Bumping this for you. I would also suggest posting a photo of the full garment, along with care tags if any.
  10. MagsRags

    Zipper identification

    Bumping this for you. If you have read our forum rules, you know that we are unable to offer authentication services. I did find a blog post on the Bagaholic website specifically about zippers on older LV bags. She mentions Talon, Eclair, Robin, and Coats & Clarks and shows some photos.
  11. MagsRags

    Silk scarf signature help please

    After a quick search, I think it might be Tittorio.
  12. MagsRags

    Vintage Oshkosh floral bubble pants

    Ah. if they are children's size, that would be different.
  13. MagsRags

    Vintage Oshkosh floral bubble pants

    The Wikipedia entry on knickerbockers Two pairs of early 80s lady's knickers from my sold archives The corduroy pair were Rose Hips by Esprit. The burgundy velveteen ones were Gunne Sax.
  14. MagsRags

    Vintage Oshkosh floral bubble pants

    When you say "bubble" are you referring to the silhouette/style? They look like knickers to me. Knickers aka knickerbocker - longer ones were called "plus fours" - were mostly worn by men in the early 1900s through late 1920s. Women sometimes wore them for sporting events. They were very popular...
  15. MagsRags

    NEW TO THE FORUMS? Please introduce yourself here! 2025

    Beth!! So good to see you here! I actually sent you (or at least I think it was you) a DM via Facebook a few months ago to encourage you to circle back around here. BTW your BijouVintage profile still exists, as Alumni. If you would like to re-activate it for posting and need help with...
  16. MagsRags

    Lanvin Label Numbers

    Sorry for the confusion. Donna is referring to our forum rules, found in our Public Information Center: Welcome - Please Read First thread. Appraisals, authentications, and valuations are really beyond the scope of any online venue, including ours. We are an all-volunteer organization, and we...
  17. MagsRags

    Advice re: buying a deadstock dress

    Oops! I was using the terms interchangeably. I think deadstock is a more commonly used term, and some folks also use NOS to shorten their titles. And then there’s NWT, NWOT - it can get confusing!
  18. MagsRags

    Welcome to our newest VFG member Abigail de Casanova!

    @AbigaildeCasanova hi again, and check your direct messages! When you have one waiting, you will see a little red rectangle over the envelope icon in the upper right corner of the page.
  19. MagsRags

    Advice re: buying a deadstock dress

    Deadstock means never worn, outside the store at least. I see the tags are still attached too! It could have been tried on in the store. New Old Stock will not have flaws from wear, but will sometimes have issues related to storage, like dust or sun bleaching. It sounds like this dress does...
  20. MagsRags

    Is this real leopard ?

    Thank you for your input. We will have our expert take another look.
  21. MagsRags

    VFG's Fresh Vintage on YouTube: 2025

    We have a new edition of Fresh Vintage to share, featuring some of the latest finds for sale by VFG members! Please consider Liking, and Commenting on the video and Subscribing to the VFG channel.
  22. MagsRags

    Is this real leopard ?

    Thank you. But by "back" I meant the backside of the fabric - or fur. Like underneath/inside the lining.
  23. MagsRags

    Is this real leopard ?

    I wondered about that too. Can you look at the back of the fur/fabric by using the place where the lining is frayed?
  24. MagsRags

    Help! Seemingly one of a kind new old stock vintage Levi’s cowboy with indigenous print - need to identify

    I tend to think of Made in Korea as 70s-80s. By the 1990s, clothing makers were shifting to China and SE Asia. I have not seen that Levi's label before - you may want to submit it to the VFG Label Resource. Marsha @Ranch Queen Vintage ?
  25. MagsRags

    Happy 90th Nylon! • The VFG Fashion Parade for the week of February 24, 2025

    Nylon from 60s/70s tropical print mermaid maxidress by Paradise Hawaii 50s nylon chiffon crystal pleated nightgown by Vanity Fair Nylon net tiered crinoline in ombre rainbow shades by Malco Modes 60s print Ban-Lon (aka nylon) top by Donovan Galvani of Dallas. This one is a...