100 Years of Fashion in 100 Seconds

Three different people sent me this clip yesterday, on three different websites - if you haven't seen it yet, it's a cute summary of a hundred years of East End (London) fashion.

Looks like it's to advertise Westfield, I'm guessing they're opening up a new shopping centre in the East End but from this clip I'm hoping (unrealistically) that it's a shopping centre FULL OF VINTAGE CLOTHES!!

Yeah, that's my kind of shopping centre :horny:

Enjoy.....and try not to poke too many holes in the accuracy of the costumes (although there are quite a few I'd like to add to my wardrobe, especially the Edwardian boots).

WHat I thought was interesting is how good some of them are and how rotten others are. It may have been a matter of time and money to get all the costumes right. The women's late 70s, 50s and 30s were not particularly well done, but the men's were good, and both were great for the 80s, 60s/early 70s, and 40s. Why do the English think Punk predated Disco? Afros and bellbottoms are the same period as glam rock and PUnk may have originated in England, but all that seditionist tartan/leather mohawk stuff is late 70s - early 80s.
Yeah, they're a bit wobbly on that - I remember disco was about '75-78 and punk was '76-77 so they're close but the disco is still first. After all, punk was a reaction to wiping away all that '70s excess! And some of what they have as punk is decidedly late '70s-early '80s (as you say, Seditionaries).

I also wish they'd been a bit more careful with her hairstyles - that long hair kind of jars in some of the eras, and could easily have been put up, especially the '30s look wrong with long hair.
