1860s Paisley Morning Coat on eBay


VFG Board Member
I have a very special garment consigned with me this week and it's up on eBay now, it's a late 1860s wool paisley morning coat in unusual colors of emerald green with red, orange and blue. It's in wonderful shape. I don't see things like this everyday, and so I hope you enjoy it! :hiya:

Auction Link:
Morning Coat




wow, l didsnt realise they wore such in your face patterns...colours yeah but that pasiley is HUgemungous!!! hope you get a good price...
That's really an interesting piece. I'm surprised at Karen's evaluation of age though - thought this style/cut of garment tended more to the 1870s-80 era. Especially with a long train. Did she give any specifics as to why this was appropriate to 1860s?

The colors are amazing! What a gorgeous wrapper. Super great!!
Hi, Boycetime,
before I took it to Karen I had guessed myself that it was from the 1870s. She said the princess seams and the paisley itself were popular from 1865-1870 or so. The back is longer than the front but graduated, like the post Civil War shapes, not like a thinner extended train of the 1880s.

I looked at this reference page of fashion silhouettes from the 1860s, 1870s and 1880s also to help confirm my thoughts on this:


It has 31 watchers now! I hope it does well for the lady who owns it.
