1928 Dressmaking Book


Registered Guest
I found this really cool book today.
'Dressmaking Trimming Finishing'
Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts & Sciences, Scranton, PA.
It is dated 1928.

Very good condition except for some handwriting on inside cover.

Anyone have any info on this?


<img src="http://gallery.daviscountry.com/gallery/albums/album04/book1.jpg">
<img src="http://gallery.daviscountry.com/gallery/albums/album04/book2.jpg">
No, I don't, but I love old sewing books like this and I pick up every one I can find.:)
I think it will be quite useful...it has a lot of pictures of how to do things. I still use my moms (her moms too) old non-electric sewing machine so I guess I am not that up-to-date in my sewing.
I always check abe.com

its all antiquarian book dealers. it gives me an idea sometimes how scarce or something is and occassionally there are other tidbits about publishers, how many editions there were etc i can glean from it if you are looking about the actual book and not the contents.
This was a course by mail that seems to have been quite popular, judging by the number of books out there. It isn't all that rare, but books from the series are rather desirable and fetch pretty good prices on eBay.

Certain books are less common than others. The lingerie and millinery books are difficult to find and tend to be pricey. This particular book is fairly common, and I think I actually own two copies. (I try to buy these books in lots so I can keep the cost down as much as possible. They are more expensive if you try to buy them individually.)

In my experience, the older (pre-1923) editions are more desirable than the later ones. 1916 is the earliest copyright date I've seen; I think it was the first edition in the US, but I'm not sure.

<A href="http://search-desc.ebay.com/womans-institute_Vintage-Sewing_W0QQcatrefZC3QQcatrefZC6QQcoactionZcompareQQcoentrypageZsearchQQcopagenumZ1QQfclZ3QQfposZ45387QQfromZR2QQfsooZ2QQfsopZ2QQftrtZ1QQftrvZ1QQftsZ2QQsacatZ113QQsadisZ200QQsargnZQ2d1QQsaslcZ2QQsatitleZwomanQ27sQ20instituteQQsbrftogZ1QQsocdpfcatZ113QQsofocusZbs" target=blank>Check eBay</A> for an idea of all the books out there and the prices they go for.

The Woman's Institute produced courses on many topics, from cooking to sewing.

I really like the sewing courses and would love to have a complete set. <A href="http://www.vintagecat.com/early.htm" target=blank>VintageCat</a> has some complete sets for sale, but they have top dollar prices. Here is <A href="http://www.vintagecat.com/catsmeow.htm" target=blank>the complete millinery set</A> on VintageCat - see item #2 on the page.

I hope this helps! :)

Cool, Laura.

I have come across a lot of mail away patterns in travels but not really any mail away course books. Perhaps the millinery books, et al, are so rare is because everyone had the beginning, foundation books, and then not everyone bought the more advanced topics or the specializations.

I probably would have flunked out if I lived back then. I need to "see" someone do something sometimes and then it sticks in the brain....
