Another Time Antiques
VFG Member
1939 Life & \'46 Life ask..... why am I mentioning this here?? Because the ads and articles for these issues are loaded with great fashion & period design.
for eg:
in 1946 10th Anniversary ads on
Robler Shoes for Men
DeBeers Diamonds
Marshall Field 2pg spread
Jantzen sweaters for men
Singer Featherweight
Gruen ladies watches
Eversharp Razor
in '39 Worlds Fair issue:
Feature article on Sane Spring Hats!!
Ads on:
Style-EEZ Shoes
Dobbs Mens hats
Back Cover: Real Silk Hosiery.
For framing purposes....these old magazines would be great!
Just all round fun fashion reading!
2 Life Magazines on 1 Auction ask..... why am I mentioning this here?? Because the ads and articles for these issues are loaded with great fashion & period design.
for eg:
in 1946 10th Anniversary ads on
Robler Shoes for Men
DeBeers Diamonds
Marshall Field 2pg spread
Jantzen sweaters for men
Singer Featherweight
Gruen ladies watches
Eversharp Razor
in '39 Worlds Fair issue:
Feature article on Sane Spring Hats!!
Ads on:
Style-EEZ Shoes
Dobbs Mens hats
Back Cover: Real Silk Hosiery.
For framing purposes....these old magazines would be great!
Just all round fun fashion reading!
2 Life Magazines on 1 Auction