1939 Wedding Dress Question JONATHAN....UPDATE

:hiya: I'm in Orlando at a vacation resort with my Mom for a week and should be lounging by the pool.......

But here I sit.....on dial up no less :no: mapping out thrift stores.....and working....

Anyway... I purchased this dress that the owner wore for her wedding in 1939, the condition of this dress is phenominal, not a mark on it and almost like new and comes with the lace bolero she wore with it.

It has smocking under the bust and on the shoulders, side snaps and 3 buttons on the back neck.

Would you show it with the bolero? it just doesn't look right with it...

What's your thoughts on this, market as a wedding dress or ?
Lott's of pics...TIA, ~Tori
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Tori, you sound like me. Go away for a vacation and end up working!

That is a beautiful dress. I like it better without the bolero.

You could market it as a wedding dress but it really just looks like a special occasion dress.

Let me think more on this. I need more coffee. :)
I love it! Don't show me wedding dresses Tori, I can't resist them (but I must.. no more room!)

I would show gallery picture without the bolero and maybe just include a shot with it last if it is original to the garment and you'll be including it. Someone might like it with, you never know.

As it's not a longer length (is that the original hem?) you could certainly market it as suitable for an evening dress as Linda suggests.

Oh, I like it... :BAGUSE:
I like it a lot better without the bolero, too.

Have you thought about cross-marketing it? It would make a good informal wedding dress, but as Linda suggested it could be used as a special occasion dress.

What a sweet dress!

I don't care for the bolero. The fabric on the dress is so nice, the lace is just not needed.

Have fun finding new thrifts. I do the same thing when on vacation!

Hi Tori,

Pretty dress, bolero does not look right with it. I would not put it with the dress at all myself.

We're all vintage crazed, I think most of us do the same when we are on holiday, we just have to go around looking, it's just more fun to browse these different places when we are out of our usual environments!

Save your bills for tax time, you are conducting business afterall!
If the wearer had a photo of herself wearing the dress with the bolero I would definately sell it with the dress, even if you don't show it with it in all the photos on the mannequin, but it would add to its value for a collector, even though i agree it spoils the line of the dress. I am curious to find out also if she shortened it after her wedding to wear as a cocktail dress, or if she wore the cocktail length for her wedding...
I have to retake pictures, those were just some quick shots before I left.

I actually bought this dress off eBay...and the seller said the owner had the dress packed away for all those years and if you could see the condition you would agree that there is no way it was shortened and worn again, it appears to have been worn only that one time then packed away.

I will look at the hem when I get home just to be sure though, is that length normal for a wedding gown in 1939?

It's so hard to type on this laptop + Dial-up....so if you see me online I am reading but not typing.. LOL
No, its not a normal length for 1939, expecially for a white damask dress. DUring the war a lot of brides opted for shorter dresses or suits but they were usually other colours, not white. I have never seen a short white wedding dress before the early 1950s or after the 1920s.

Actually, that's not quite true... I have seen one mid 30s white wool wedding dress, but it was tailored and looked like a winter afternoon dress and the bride wore it with a hat -- you wouldn't think it was a wedding dress otherwise.
I'm back from Orlando, and other than my laptop modem getting fried from a power surge I had a great time and found a pair of 40's brown suede platform shoes (Need to show Jonathan these) and a cool 50's 2 piece Hawaiian Sarong Bathing Suit.

Back to the dress.......I emailed the seller and asked her if she could find out if the dress had been shortened.

<b>Hi Betty,

I just got back from vacation and was wondering if you had spoken to your friend about the dress. I would really LOVE to see a photo of her in it.</b><P>
Her reply.....
Yes, and I can do better than that! She found an original picture of just her in the dress, which was long as you suspected. She said she had it shortened about 8", so she could wear it again, (by the way, she was the first girl allowed to wear a long wedding dress in her the church (here in Nappannee) back then. She was Mennonite and they did not allow long dresses, (too citified ) Mid calf was the length allowed to wear. She personally asked her pastor for permission to wear a long dress and he give it (permission). It is a lovely picture in a heavy cardboard frame from Biltmore Studio (Elkart In. I don't think they are in existence any more tho). She has on the balero and is holding the hankie in her left hand. She said they could not carry flowers, just a hankie. The picture has never been displayed. (tho it does have a light crease in the frame edge on one side, not on the picture) Pauline had it stored in a cedar chest all these years.( Of course she probably had some others which she did display or gave to family ect). She said she does not want it (couldn't believe she didn't want her grandchildren or children to have it, but she said "they have plenty of pictures") and would sell it for $10.00 if you would like it since you have the dress. What do you think? Or should I just e-mail a copy to you, I can scan it in and send it but I can send you the picture in the frame for a couple dollars (plus the $10.00 she would like for it).

Pauline just sold her home, she's in her late 80's (I think) and is living in a eldery retirement village. She sure has some stories to tell!
Let me know what you think and thanks. Betty
(I decided to send the pic via e-mail so you can see it, but still would appreciate it for Pauline if you want to buy it in the frame.)</i><P>

I did buy the picture......I guess I'll include it when I sell the dress...... I am now into this dress for about $42.00 LOL
It also came with that hankie she is holding in her hand....

<img src="http://images.channeladvisor.com/Sell/SSProfiles/30030714/Images/1939%20Wedding.jpg">
How interesting. Wouldn't you just love to sit down and talk to that lady for ever and ever? I bet she really does have some stories to tell.

I had a wedding dress with the picture at the beginning of the summer..a silk 40s one. The picture really does help in selling, I think.

Glad you are back, Tori. Sorry about your computer.
That explains the length. She looks like a petite gal to start with, so if you take off 8" and put it on a tall mannequin - you get a short dress.

That is actually a very stylish dress for a Mennonite bride. The bolero was an odd fashion choice, but now we know she did wear it!

Isn't it the sweetest when you get the whole thing...especially with these old wedding gowns...it is the most sentimental dress really and many people do keep them forever even after all the others have been let go!

I am glad you got the photo, it will be nice for the new owner to have that with the dress!
Yep, according to the auction the lady was tiny, but the dress is not really that tiny...Bust 36-38 - Waist 30 - Total length 41

I like it so much better shortened....now all I have to do is wait on the photo then list it...

Thanks so much for all your help and advise.

THat explains a lot. I wonder if the vest was a Mennonite thing too for modesty reasons. That's great to have the pic AND the hankie she is carrying. Alltogether I think that makes a nice story. Its too bad she chopped it because its not authenti to the photo image, but as a story its great.
Originally posted by flashbak58
:hiya: I'm in Orlando at a vacation resort with my Mom for a week and should be lounging by the pool.......

But here I sit.....on dial up no less :no: mapping out thrift stores.....and working....

You sound like me too! We can't go anywhere without mapping thrift stores, searching antique malls for mislabeled items and checking out auctions! We're talking about flying to Florida for our honeymoon and renting a truck so we can go to auctions and buy more furniture for the shop! LOL!

What a great story and now you can add provenance to your dress! What could be better?