1940s curly lamb wt fur. Help wt several concerns please.

This is such a glamorous curly lamb coat, big, big shoulder pads, amazing 30" in circumference at sleeve hem. I hope you can help me with several concerns I have regarding it...

1. Fur ID... I read the VFG information on furs Skunk was used a lot in the 1940s, but not having seen skunk fur, I'm wondering if this is too course to be skunk and might be something else. Any guesses???

2. I need to get rid of the mildew/musty smell. In the past, on other coats, I've tried hanging them in sunshine & spraying with vodka... but didn't work very well. (would have been a better use of vodka if I would have sat in the sun with a vodka slush). Are there other tricks that have worked well for you that would be safe for curly lamb & fur???

3. There's a small tear by the furrier hook. Do you think this can be reinforced so that it just doesn't tear out again? I don't see signs of dry rot on the coat.

Once again....Thank you for your help!!!

That looks like persian lamb/astrakhan to me, possibly with mink trim? Wotta lotta fur! Gorgeous coat, I hope you can sort out the musty problem :)
Lovely coat, and I agree--appears to be Persian lamb with mink trim.

I had a musty full length grey Persian coat that hung on my unheated porch for 3 months--that took care of the odor, at long last! I don't know what kind of climate you live in, but is it possible to get in in cold/fresh air for a lengthier period of time?

As far as the tear--since it's near a hook, it will continue to be a vulnerable area, so I'd think any reinforcing would need to be really, really well done (perhaps professionally?), as well as disclosed.
Persian lamb, of course, what was I thinking.:duh2: And yes it does weigh a ton!!! I will check with the cost of having the tear repaired professionally and disclose it, or sell "as is" at a lower price.
Carrie, we're in Ohio, and the coat was on my screened porch, so it will go back and I will hope for the best! Thanks everyone!!!!
Yes, I'm think'n 40's. The shoulder pads are so large they're almost cartoon size! If I'm wrong about the 40's I hope someone will pipe in and correct me...:)
Very '40s - and fabulous. The repair shouldn't be a big deal, if it's just the lining it's an easy fix. If it's the fur, best to see a furrier. I hope you get the smell out because that beauty deserves to go out there and enjoy herself again!
Thanks Nicole for confirming 40s... I agree it's worth the effort on my part. I would love to see it go to someone who will have a swell time wearing it!!!