I've already mentioned this somewhere here, I recently bought the whole year of 1946 of a Swiss women's magazine. It wasn't just a fashion magazine in the usual sense, but it always included sewing, knitting and other patterns. It was a vehicle to promote the sewing patterns that could be bought seperately, but every four weeks, a sheet with sewing patterns was included. It was a weekly, and only one issue is missing, so there's a great deal to look at and read and discover...
Just flipping through them I've already seen so many interesting things, world news, interesting fashion, weird ads...
Therefore, I have decided to blog them - one at a time every week. I can't post the link to my blog here, but if you're interested, send me a message, and I'll send you the link.

Therefore, I have decided to blog them - one at a time every week. I can't post the link to my blog here, but if you're interested, send me a message, and I'll send you the link.