1950's dress- sash and length questions


1950\'s dress- sash and length questions

Hello, I'm putting this dress up for auction on Sunday, and was wondering If this length would be described as ballerina length? Also the bow is a sash, and I was also wondering how it would originally likely to have been worn- centre front/ to the side/ at the back etc. And would there have been any particular way that the sash would have been tied? Any help appreciated , thanks

It is hard to tell without it being on a mannequin but it could be ballerina.

Found this link to a ballerina length dress.


It could be tea length.

I don't know why I am thinking that bow should go in the back. Do you have a picture of it that way?

Wonderful photo! Love the pink background.
thanks for the link Linda! After looking at the picture it does seem that the dress is slightly too short to be called ballerina length. I thought the bow might have originally been a back one... it's just that the sash is quite long and I’m at a bit of a loss with what to do with it round front, because tied once it hangs longer than the dress. Still I’ll show it both ways and leave it up to who ever buys it (thanks for that suggestion Harriet).

I haven't measured it yet, but I'll post the link to the listing once it's up. I'll be sorry to see this one go...if it had been my size I would have been very tempted to keep it.
The dress is up now- <a href=http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=008&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&viewitem=&item=180062504971&rd=1&rd=1>
Measurements Waist- 28, Bust- 36”
I ended up not using any pictures with the bow at the back, because I forgot to take any. But i don't think it matters too much.