1960's quilted floral dress - Lanvin fabric - help please!


1960\'s quilted floral dress - Lanvin fabric - help please!

Hello everyone!
I have a lovely 1960's dress which is in quilted cotton, gorgeous quality but unlabelled. However the seam of the fabric is labelled "tissus Sontange creation "Lanvin" Paris" - I have attached pictures.
Does anyone know if this is a Lanvin dress or if it would just have been made using a fabric design of theirs?
Any help would be very much appreciated! x

Still puzzled by this dress, if anyone does know anything please do get in touch - otherwise I am just going to archive it for now! x
Hello Harriet,
Thank you for your help! It's such a lovely quality dress. I can't see any evidence of a missing label in the lining but perhaps the writing in the seam served as the label ... Really appreciate your response as I haven't had any other Lanvin frocks to compare it to!
You should be able to tell if the dress has been professionally sewn or not. If might help if you post close-ups of the inside construction - darts etc. It's quite possible that the fabric and design is Lanvin. The design has all the right design elements. Couturiers also licensed their designs to dress pattern companies. During the Sixties Paris fashion houses were using fabrics produced and printed in Japan.