1960s Wedding Set (?) - Fixable?

I have what I THINK is a little 1960s wedding set - possibly wrong but hits me that way. Has 63-74 ILGWU label and back metal zipper. I don't know why but I get a "Sgt. Peppery" vibe from the set (new description? Sgt Peppery :). Let me know if you have other ideas.

This has been in back of closet for 2 years or so. It has some rust spots which I think I can deal with but the real issue is the damage to the sleeves. Was hoping to get some input of whether this is worth fixing or if it is even "fixable." The one sleeve really makes me nervous as it looks to have a fairly decent pull or snag running on seam. Again, I know nothing about sewing so was hoping to get some input before spending any money.

I see some of these little sets selling well but just not sure worth the time/investment. Sad - it is kind of an interesting little set.

Thanks so much to all - I appreciate!!!



It's quite fun! I could see some young Mod chick loving this!
I'm not much of a sewer myself.

I'm trying to picture it as a 3/4 sleeve, I wonder if that could work.

Or get the sleeves changed completely, don't know if you have a reasonable seamstress and of course it would mean finding a comparable fabric. I think it would look pretty fab with a butterfly sleeve too!

I don't think it would work as a sleeveless dress.

The vest is separate, correct? If it is, you could always sell it separately if repairing the sleeves is too much.
If I'm seeing what I think I'm seeing you can try undoing the seam a few inches past the damage, trim out the fray then stitch it back up. I can't see how the seam edge is finished but you will need to finish it off somehow or create an enclosed seam or it will fray and split again.

If you do this the mended sleeve will be a bit more narrow than the other one. If that is the case just take the other sleeve in a little too.
It is very pretty.
I don't sew (either) and would take it to someone to fix. I would only fix it myself it I were planning to keep it because my hand stitching is not a pretty sight.

Sgt. Peppery is a great description! I think it's a fun set, too.
Do you think this was a wedding set? I just struggle to see it being worn anywhere else but I suppose it could be a "party" set. I guess I just sort of picture a mod hippie wedding of some sort.
I agree: late '60s wedding ensemble.

Firstly, you might be able to fix the snag/pull. Hold the fabric level across the grain, with your left hand higher than the pull and to the left, and right hand lower and to the right - so that your hands form a diagonal across the pull (this is much easier to show than to describe). Then hold fabric gently but firmly and move your hands up and down (left down, right up, you're still holding the fabric) and you should be able to "right" the grain, which will pull the thread back into place. I need a diagram! I hope this makes sense - I use this trick all the time and it's very effective. As long as you can see improvement, keep doing it, swap sides if you like.

Secondly - Melody and Anne are right, if it's on the seam, it can be fixed. I would find a similar fabric (a small piece only is needed so remnant is fine), trim back the damaged area and make a facing out of the new fabric. It will probably be more open than before, but with the facing it will look like it's supposed to be like that.

Of course, if you're paying a dressmaker to do these repairs you'll need to way up the cost with how much you can get for the outfit! I agree that removing the sleeves (a common solution I use) is not the best, as the sleeves are an important feature in this case.
