  1. EAbwingate

    EAbwingate Registered Guest

    Anyone with experience dating vintage Gucci? I’ve never seen a vintage replica like this but I also have a few things giving me pause! Such as the 10 on the tag, and no euro size unless it’s missing. It seems like such a random thing to replicate though?! So baffled by this piece. Not needing authentication (although where would I even go to do that with pants?)! Just curious if anyone has seen these before/gucci dating.

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  2. bycinbyhand

    bycinbyhand VFG Member

    I think this is Gucci for the American market, not replica, and not couture but for the rack as in a high end department store boutique. I'm thinking 90s as well, because of the style.
  3. EAbwingate

    EAbwingate Registered Guest

    I did see some information about a possible 1999 link
    Thanks for your reply! I was thinking the same. I’ve never heard of, although everything is possible, “knock off” specialty pants. These seem like they’d be a “ready to wear” version of a higher end runway option for example.
  4. EAbwingate

    EAbwingate Registered Guest

    with this being the runway version- 1999 and I looked closer at those- but the tags are euro sizes and they have slightly different everything (pockets, button placement)

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  5. Midge

    Midge Super Moderator Staff Member

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