2 black dresses 40s 50s?


Registered Guest
Well I have these two dresses and I am rather unsure of the dates... I feel like 40s for both but I am a little unsure...

first one is sheer almost cottony feel, but not quite, and its deffinately not linnen. I am thinking cotton or rayon, did they make rayon sheer? Anywho I have a pic of it as is ans witht he ruffle collar tucked in. I think the buttons are bakelite too? or something else very cold to the touch and super shiny, not plastic. jet black in color. The collar appears to be ann ad on but very well done so removal would be a pain. I think it was more of a modesty feature. Does have a belt. No shoulder pads. Metal zide zipper. I was thinking early 40s on this maybe late 30s? anyone else?

Second dress I thought late 40s possibly early 50s? but it has thinck shoulder pads and is longer than most 50sdresses. Off the mannequin I htough early 40s but on the mannequin I am not sure if it is 50s. I am about 90% sure this is nylon too.

Please help me narrow these dates down... thank you all!!!
Agree that the collar and lace has been added to the first one: I'd date it as late '40s-early '50s.

Second one - late '40s. I'm guessing that it may have had a small collar originally.
