2 questions-Era help on a sweater and fabric help on a dress


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ivory and green sweater 015.JPGgreen sweater 010.JPGsharkskin dress 015.JPG

The sweater reminds me of 40s? but the label looks newer.
On the dress, it is irridescent. Would this be called sharkskin?
Thanks for helping.
The jumper has a 40's style but I've also seen similar ones from the 70's & 80's. My first thought was 80's due to the 'oversize' look of the whole top & decoration.
An irridescent fabric would not be called sharkskin (unless the fabric had an effect that resembled real sharkskin- something I've never seen..) Your fabric just looks like shot taffeta to me.
My second thought was later on the sweater also and as soon as I saw you mention shot taffeta I went "That's it".
Thanks Pinkcoke