20s jacket? I could use some help on this one


Staff member
VFG Past President
This is a fluid silk velvet jacket lined in satin, with very long flaring sleeves and a flaring cut. The jacket has a glass button and loop at the neck and the collar is thick and padded with hand smocking creating texture. There is no label, and there is a fair amount of hand sewing.



My best estimate is in the 1922-26 range, but I really am not sure.

Thanks for any help!
I think its 1928 - 1933ish. It's the button at the neck and none at the low hip that makes me think that. Plus the bell sleeves.

It is stunning, isn't it?

Yes, Hollis is not only great at the dates from this era, but she tells you why she thinks it is the date she says. I have always marveled at, and appreciated that quality in her!
Gorgeous jacket! Is that the original length or has it been shortened? I find they're usually longer (and thanks, Hollis for the great info about the button. I've had a few like that and hadn't known when they were).

It is gorgeous, Maggie! I would be tempted except I really don't need a velvet evening jacket and I can tell that the sleeves would be way too long for me. You look FABULOUS!
