22 Bakelite Buttons!! Date help pretty please??

I've had this dress for the longest time. Finally got it dry cleaned and besides a smudge on the front it is in wonderful condition. It has 22 buttons..I believe they are bakelite...down the front and cute hip pockets. It also has light shoulder pads. I'm having a hard time dating this one. I am thinking very very late 40s or early 50s. What do you think??



Carrie, I love the color of that dress, and the buttons are really cool.

I''m thinking your dating sounds pretty good! Tough (for me, anyway) to say whether it falls solidly into either the 40s or the 50s. Cusper?
Carrie -

I agree with the dating I'm wondering if the buttons might be lucite. Do you do a close-up of them. If they are Bakelite you can test them by rubbing the surface with your finger until it gets warm and it should give off the chemical Bakelite smell. Lucite has no smell. They almost look like "moonglow" in your photo but that could be a reflection from the flash.

Great dress!

