27 & Counting! Hats Galore... being listed!


Registered Guest
Hi Ya'll...
I am listing my hat collection! Very wearable fun and some whimsical hats. I have always chosen my hats with my manniquin in mind and a small percentage with me in mind! Anyway whether you are looking to add to a collection, have a few extra for a manni or are a bit like me and cannot resist hats... here they are!
Listed on VintageTrend!
There are 27 now with about 20 to go..


It is kind of breaking my heart! But I have another 50 or so to photograph and get up after this 50.. got a bee in my bonnet so to speak!
Thanks for the encouragement guys!

Well, I literally collect for fun and for what I think is cute rather then a serious collector. I can always get more later. My manni is going to go hatless if they sell! I am thinking of putting the ones that dont sell in a lot.. I see alot of hat lots on ebay and wonder if that is a better way to go?

Anyway, handbags? Oh my I could not list my personal handbags! ALthough that reminds me I do have about 30 handbags that COULD be listed. Hmmm

Me thinks a handbag lot may be in my future!

OK I am over 60 (hats not years although I feel like it at the moment)... Done for a few days. Have to get back to dresses and suits! I am very very interested to see how they do as I rarely sell hats.
Harriet I can be a bit of a freak when I put my mind to something... bit like a robot that keeps going and going ect.
Now I think sleep is in order!


I adore the 50's blue "feather hat"! Almost makes me want to start buying hats again (to put with my others that never, unfortunately, see any use....) See you already have a bid on it--not surprised.... You are SO ambitious to be clearing out so many all at once! Good luck with them all.
Its very interesting to see what is being watched and what has no interest and I think I see a trend! Cocktail hats and the 60s mods seem to be what is of interest now. I have a thing for fuzzy, fluffy infused felt. I think I am the only one! :)
We shall see....
