3 40s dresses... I would just like a confirmation please


Registered Guest
I am pretty sure that these are all 40s...possibly very late 30s... I was just looking for some confirmation or some narrowing down on the dates please....

Brown one early 40s? green one early 40s also.... and the grey one late 40s?

Thank you all very much....

Thanks , I replaced the pictures... is this better? Also to note, which may not be of the most importance but they all are metal zide zippers and the brown one is labeled David Crystal Gabardine... I have already looked him up so I don't need any info,,, and yall do not have this label in the resource yet so I will add it later,,, it is also labeled frost bros, which I am well aware of and pushing to get them in the resource in general lol!!! (but hope that helos with dating)
Ok I changed the pictures above lol... but you wont know I responded so I am putting this in here to make a little red envelope appear lol!!

Thank you so much!!

Here is a better picture of the brown one.... I didnt get to detailed on pics beacuse I am pretty sure on the dates lol...

The brown one cannot be 50s... i took a picture of the labels and the front closures... I say it cannot be 50s because I have a rather accurate history of where she lived and she was in texas from 1941-1947/48ish then moved to Okinawa Japan,, which I have tose corresponding clothes too :-).. and her clothes were kind of gathered into date groups... the green and brown one were together.. The history is accurate according to the UA Airforce lol... her hubby was a 2 star general who helped form the Air Force.
lol thank you... yeah I was thinking very early 40s or possible late 30s on the frst two and the 40/50s on the third. the only reason I dropped into the late 40s on the grey one it it has a bow on the hip and the gathering like alot of earluer 40s but it is too short and I don't think it has been shortened, but it was custom/home/semastress made.
I think the second is '40s and agree with early '50s on the third because of the big shawl collar (I've seen drapery on styles right through the '50s in catalogues and magazines).

I'm afraid that I still can't decide on the first one - is that a separate scarf that is hanging down? If the label says "gabardine", does that mean that it's wool gabardine? Does it have shoulder pads....the style looks quite plain, I can't really tell. Do you have a better photo of the bodice without the scarf?

Thank you nicole...please read up... I was adding that info as you were responding lol... I will see if I have a better just bodice photo,.... but the scarf is tied on tight and I didnt want to pull at it with my teeht to get it off.
Nice closures on the brown dress - the labelling and fabric suggest '40s to me. Is the scarf original? It's an odd place to attach it so I'm wondering if she wore the two together?

I believe she did... its how I found them and the scarf is quite old as well,.. from Japa,, so perhaps she got it a little later... I don't know if she tucked it behind the closures because she has it tightly tied to the top loop or if she just put it there to not loose it and she used it as a hair accent?
Thank you all very much... I guess I cant get them all right all the time lol.... but I am glad I checked first...

I wasn't too far off but you know I try to be more accurate lol!

Thank you all yall are WONDERFUL!!!:wow22: