30's/40's bridesmaid dresses? Many questions!


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30\'s/40\'s bridesmaid dresses? Many questions!

Hi everyone,

Ok, I bought these together, as a pair. Should I sell them as such or seperately and mention the other in each auction? Also, when I bought them I was told they are bridesmaid's dresses - agree or disagree? And what material might these be made of? One has a side metal zipper, the other, buttons. No tags at all.
<img src='http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-3/674349/Img_3813.jpg' width=257 height=654 >
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<img src='http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-3/674349/Img_3820.jpg' >
I don't know, I haven't measured them yet.. but I'd say they're the exact same size, if not just off by the teeniest amount - they seem to fit the mannequin the same.
I would sell them separately and maybe cross promote them.

These are really cute 30s dresses and probably were bridesmaids dresses.
Looks like that they are made from a rayon fabric and they also look like they are in wonderful condition.

i was asking about size re: keeping them together or not. I am big on "keeping things together" in most cases. If they were the same size, someone could potential buy them for themselves and have the option of either color, or a collector could buy it for a vintage wedding party display and have two twins to start with. If they were differing sizes it would be a gamble of friend/sister was that other size. i am not really sure what to say on the seperating/togetherness thing definitively.
Hmmmmmmmm.... now I'm wondering too if I should keep them together. Though I guess if someone wants them badly enough, they'll just bid on both auctions right?
Thanks Sue! Yeah, I would say it's rayon - because it almost feels like (and here comes my super awesome vintage fabrics savy) a windbreaker from the 80s? Ha ha ha - I'm so NOT good with fabrics!
Honestly, appart from needing a decent cleaning, they're in amazing condition! I was pretty surprised when I found them!
Any more thoughts on fabric?

And is this title ok?

30's 40's Bridesmaids or Evening Dress

'Cause I'm thinking maybe someone would want to wear just as is? And not to a wedding?
I think they date between 1939 and 1941, so they really are cuspers. Also, I would sell them as a pair but I am a purist for not splitting things up. With swing and 40s stuff being popular with re-enactors, I think as a pair they hold more cache and could sell for more as a pair, rather than two rayon taffeta bridesmaid dresses sold separately.

BTW, I read not too long ago about how it was an American custom to have bridesmaid dresses in different colours started in the 1930s. It was from an article written by an ex-pat Englishwoman living in Shanghai in the 30s and she went to the wedding of an American diplomat's daughter and commented (very ascerbicly) about the lack of taste in this American trend.
Well.....I have the same Bridesmaid dress at the shop in a mustard golden color. I even have her homemaid sparkly headpiece and a photo of the bride and wedding party!! (Mine does not have a tie back though, just a plain waist.) Exact same bustline/neckline treatment and skirt. Heavy metal side zipper. The wedding date was 1941 or 1943 (can't remember exactly). This was a very popular neckline style.

Also had a 1941 satin wedding dress with, again, same neckline.

Sorry - don't have pics here to show...but thought I'd mention them cause of the exact dates I had from the garment's history.
Thank you SO much for the valuable information! I think I will keep them together, since I bought them that way.
Jonathan, I'm sure you hear this all the time, but your knowledge is just incredible! I love it!
I wish I had you in my back pocket when I was out looking for stuff (in that whole non-creepy way ;) ).

Thanks again everyone!