30's or 40's?

30\'s or 40\'s?

I love the ballerina print on this rayon dress. The skirt portion is bias cut, which I usually associate with 30's, but it has cotton filled shoulder pads and a side metal zipper which are more 40's elements. What do you think?

<img src=" http://members.sparedollar.com/jls502/413-023.jpg">

<img src=" http://members.sparedollar.com/jls502/413-022.jpg">
With that length, shoulder pads, side zipper and the style and colorway of the print, I'd say post war , maybe 1947 - 50.

It's a little hard to see the dress's shape, but I don't think it is '30s or even early '40s. I think Hollis is probably right with post-war.
