37 piece 50s (some 40s/30s) Lot up now!!

Hi Michelle,

That really looks like a super lot, compared to many I see on ebay which can be pretty badddd! You should do well with it, have you listed in lots before?

I guess you are trying to clear some inventory...too much around for you I guess.

I just opened another site on ebay dedicated to vintage clothing only, as I realize it will take awhile for the website to get going.

I've called it the same name as the babylon mall site and I am hoping it starts to get noticed, I just don't want to add all the clothes with all the other stuff I sell on my regular ebay site.

Good luck with this auction, it will definitely be interesting to see what the final outcome will be!

Hey thanks for the well wishing...
I have done a few lots before. Usually once a year in a month span or so I will do a 40s/50s and a 60s/70s lot
Always for the reason you state. I just need more room and for some reason these have not sold for me. I usually list fairly high and to what the item is worth rather then listing low and hoping it makes it to what I want for it so my sell through is alot lower then most fellow guild members. So I hope to pass the "stuff" on to someone who will make mounds of money and such!
Your site looks fantastic, I see some tempting items that I may have to break down and bid on. I am TRYING to be a good girl as of late!
I did the same thing. I have Vintagetrend on babylon mall, ruby lane and ebay and then have my website under Designertrend.com and and designertrend on ebay as well.
I have definately found cross-over... I rarely advertise it but still get cross-over... One of these days I will market like I am supposed to!
Anyway, thanks for the comments and GOOD LUCK on your ebay site, you have fantastic prices, pictures AND items so I see nothing standing in you way!

Wonderful lot Michelle! You never get anything like that in the UK... :(
Sure it will rocket, I think I said before I really like the way you present your lots (and great stuff too!)
Harriet I always include my regular buyers (and VFG'ers as well) from the UK and Australia in my "no international buyers" lots (the only thing I ever put that on) as they know I will give them the cheapest shipping and it may take me awhile to pack it up for international travel as well as taking forever the cheapest way. Some of my UK store owners pick up my lots once in awhile.
Anyway, it kills me to put that but the shipping can be so outrageous I feel horrible even quoting it!!

Wow...great lot Michelle! If it wasn't for the high postage to
Canada, I would be so interested in this - although, it will go way
beyond my budget, I'm sure!
