40s Label - Help!


VFG Member
Hello Folks

This is my first attempt at Photobucket, so apologies if my pic is gigantic/minuscule/non-existent! Assuming it works(!), the label on this 40s cord jacket is driving me bonkers.


I don't mean the Myers label, but the one underneath. I've seen it in a book really recently and thought 'oh that's interesting, I must remember that'. :wacko: No chance! Is it something to do with Utility...?

I need to buy one of those Improve Your Memory books!

Thank you, sarah-jane
Yes that is the Posh Utility label. You can do a search on the forum. There has been much discussion about that one!
Aaargh, of course! I hadn't seen it in a book, I'd read that thread!! Really worried about my poor old brain now...

Thank you so much for putting me out of my misery.

I have since found out its proper name is the 'double elevens' utility label and it did denote a higher standard garment plus it was a post war label. I haven't found out exactly when it appears yet but it was definately around by 1948 and lasted until 1952, it may have shown up as early as 1946 or 47 but I don't know yet. Its purpose is still a bit of a mystery. I am not sure if it was intended to denote the item was taxable (unlike CC41 clothing) but I suspect that was the reason.