40s or 50s?


Registered Guest
Hi guys, I have been absent becuase the kids have had tummy bugs and we have had two weddings and a christening! busy times!

I'm back into it now and would love to know what you guys think of these dresses??? any help with dating, I'm thinking early 50s for the brown and 60s for the white dress (but could it be late 50s?)

I was thinking 50s for the black dress too, but I can't be sure (metal zipper at the side), but not many clues otherwise....

Any wisdom from the gurus, as ever, always appreciated and stored in the mental notepad!! :) xx
Pretty sure you got it right with the brown being early 50s and the black being 50s. Side zippers went well into the 50s although not nearly as common as the 40s.

The satin and lace fabrics in the white dress look later than the 60s to me but that could just be the photo. The style is sort of classic and I can see it going into the 70s. Metal zippers were not common in the 70s but you do find them. Is there any kind of attached crinoline? That would indicate 60s.

Lets see what the rest have to say.

Thank you guys, Joules do you have any other info on the Berlin label? Me and my sis were tying to research it with no luck this evening...

There is boning in the berlin dress and it is petticoat, not a crinoline to speak of though. Do you guys think it may be bridal?

The brown one is also our fave, we love the huge pockets - we recently saw a rationed Frank Usher dress at a local vintage fair which dated from early 50s, which also had the huge pockets!