40s platforms: Alligator or snakeskin?


Staff member
VFG Past President
I've browsed around the web, and I'm still not sure, partly because I'm not sure who to trust as knowing their stuff versus making blithe assumptions as I'm semi-tempted to do.

yum. yum.

the scales seem pretty consistant in size, and pretty small, my first thought was snakeskin.

what's the other side of the shoe look like??? :horny: and what size are they?? :rolleyes:
They're 8 1/2 N, and look unworn. I'm verklempt that they're too big for me. Another view


Thanks for the skin I.D. This might be another good reference for VFG to develop! Snakeskin vs alligator vs crocodile (that one I know!), and real vs embossed.
Here they are, still in my archives on the site. Can't remember who they were by but they had "genuine cobra" stamped on the insole at the heel.


Cobra? How interesting. Well, cobra is a snake after all. Love the ankle strap on yours.
Originally posted by mags_rags

Thanks for the skin I.D. This might be another good reference for VFG to develop! Snakeskin vs alligator vs crocodile (that one I know!), and real vs embossed.

see, I can spot snake from a mile away, but my problem is alligator vs. croc ... :clueless: oof
Nothing clever from here, just:
http://www.vintagefashionguild.org/forums/images/smilies/wow22.gifwow, wow, those are soooo hot - killer shoes indeed!
Love green! Love platforms! Love snake! Love them!
You have a lot of really, really cool shoes on your site, but these are just haunting me!!
I tried to forget them, but can't get them off my mind –
I'm going to measure again, calculate all again with shipping, customs and all that and I'm kinda hoping for my economy that I measured wrong the first time, and otherwise – I'll be back..

Sille in Denmark