50s and 60s blouses? Date help


Registered Guest
SO I have more blouses that I have no idea on dating. Dresses are hard enough lol...

Any who I grouped these all together because they seem to fit in the 50s early 60s category. I would like to know if I am correct You don't have to get too specific unless one is not in either era lol... but if you want to help me with each one that's great, I am getting rid of them as a lot anyway so it doesn't matter.

The materials are cotton, nylon and I think one rayon (the first brownish one) but not entirely sure on the rayon.

Thank you all for your help!

ohh actually I was just thinking the bottom brown one i am pretty sure is rayon too ond looking at it in the pic I think early 50s possibly late 40s is that correct?

Thanks :-)
1 - 60s polished cotton?
2 - 50s cotton.
3 - 60s cotton or terylene (polyester) mix.
4 - 40s cotton or rayon.
5 - 40s rayon.
6 - 50s cotton with pie crust collar.

Jennifer, if you want to sell them as a lot, I'm always looking for simple blouses, especially in cotton - feel free to send me a U2U.
