50's Bubble Dress....List for Holiday or Prom??


VFG Member
50\'s Bubble Dress....List for Holiday or Prom??

Good evening to all. The weather never cooperated to allow for better photos today, but I am going with what I took for inside photos...........I am uncertain as to whether to save this 50's bubble dress for spring/prom season or go ahead and list for the Holiday season. It has no tags so I am not sure of the material although it feels like taffeta. It has a layer of tulle between the outside material and interface-type lining. The floral colors are pink, blue and green...the background is a pale green and the waistband and back bow is an iridescent green.



So....would it do better in the spring or go ahead and list now? Thank you in advance.....Gail
Hi Gail -


Even though it's looks so Spring, I think it could do quite well now - I've been browsing 50's dresses and plenty of things that aren't solidly winter/holiday are selling nicely. Something as stunning as this should (<i>should</i>, mind you) do well any time of the year.

Re: the 'interface type lining' - is it Pellon (kind of stiff & papery)? My knowledge of things like this is pretty paltry, but I do know that one term so I thought I'd throw it out there. :)

And don't forget lots of people go on holiday cruises.

That is beautiful!
I also think it should soar now. That is one, the-band-goes-almost-silent-and-hits-sour-notes, all-eyes-are-on-you dress! Don't you just expect to find an important tag inside it?

I said, "Huh?" the first time someone cited "Pellon" to me. If I understand correctly, Pellon is the brand name of an interfacing manufacturer.


Garshk, of course and thanks.

I hope I'm not wrong on Pellon and interfacing. I had a 50s, cocktail dress with interfacing so stiff I begged help, characterizing it as being like a combination between fiberglass insulation and cardboard. I was told that it's called "Pellon." The next time I bought fabric, though, I noted that the Pellon brand was one of several brand choices for interfacing of varying thicknesses, available.

Here in ol' Texas, all soft drinks/sodas/pops are called, "Coke." If you ask someone if they want a soft drink/soda/pop, they say, "WHUH?!" If you ask if they want a coke and they say, "Yes," you next ask what kind of coke they want--Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Sprite, A&W Root Beer....
