50s or 60s for this sheath dress


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One more find from my last day in Vienna. Again a Humana shop find - one shop where we always found nice secondhand stuff, but real vintage? Never before! However, I believe this cute dress is - it's just that I'm having trouble dating it - it has a pretty classical shape.


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Fabric is a plain weave. I did a burn test, but there wasn't much I could snip out. My guess is some cotton/rayon mix.
Home-made I guess, with a side metal zip marked "Zipp". Whoever made it probably had a sewing machine that only had a straight stitch, as only the straight seams are sewn by machine, all else is hand-sewn. The openings are backed with bias tape, and there are lingerie guards made from the bias tape as well. The belt buckle is some kind of plastic, and the belt is not sewn fast, so it can be moved a little if necessary. There are two folds at the back of the skirt, which are sewn in, with lining fabric at the top. The hem is quite deep (almost 2.25 inches) and looks original.

The way it's made, with the side zip etc. I first though more of 5os, however, the length looks more 60s to me. I'm fairly tall, so things sometimes are a little shorter than they were originally supposed to be, but it fits me in the upper body - and I have a long upper body, but the waist of the dress is where it should be.
