60s Dior dress: what's this tag/number?


Registered Guest
I found this silk black dress at a vintage shop, and found the faded yellow Dior label in the skirts. I'm assuming it's 50s / 60s era (correct me if I'm wrong!). Skirt is a bit below the knee

But does anyone know what this old tag at the collar is? There is a number on it: "1969.171 ser." I can't find any information about it ... Does it mean it's from 1969? [EDIT: it says 'Amer.', not 'ser']

Any idea on its value?

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That is most assuredly a collection tag from a museum. The 1969 would refer to the year it was acquired by the museum, the 171 would be referring to the 171st accession of that year, not sure what the ser means - but some museums alter the standard method of accessioning for their own purposes.
"ser" might be a shortening of the name of the inventory procedure used at the time.

1969, it would be a hard copy method.
I think I also see "Amer" now that you mention it. My question is, has the dress been shortened? Possibly it was made for a short woman, as these garments were (usually) custom made/fitted at the store where purchased, but the length of the skirt does not seem to match the style of the bodice to me. Not sure, of course, just seems short for the time period it was made?
If you do price research online, be sure to look for comparables with the Dior - New York Label. The couture Paris label is a whole different price range.
That is most assuredly a collection tag from a museum. The 1969 would refer to the year it was acquired by the museum, the 171 would be referring to the 171st accession of that year, not sure what the ser means - but some museums alter the standard method of accessioning for their own purposes.

Interesting! I found the dress in a vintage store in Hollywood. I wonder which museum it came from, and one which would have acquired it back in 1969?

There seems to be a similar dress at The Met:


Now that others have mentioned it, it is a faded "Amer." on the tag, not a "ser". Thanks for pointing that out!

The dress is a bit below the knee, do you think the style is more 50s or 60s, Dior, Yves or Bohan? I assume if the dress was acquired by a museum in 1969, that it would probably have been made a lot earlier?
If you can press it or steam it out, and put it on a dress form or lay it out better, we can get an idea of the shape. I am having a hard time seeing the true shape and style of the skirt in particular.

Is that the original zipper?