60s dress by Cameo Evening Fashions - any info?


Registered Guest
I wondered if anyone had info. on Cameo Evening Fashions. Here is the dress.....





That's a beautiful dress! Can't help with the Cameo label, but I'm pretty sure I've had a dress with that "Aimee" label, and have seen at least one more with it. Mine said "Aimee Jr.," and didn't have the location on it, so I thought that was the design house name. But it looks like that was a store, due to the way the label is stitched in, and Cameo is the maker of your dress.

The dress I had was of very high quality, and your dress looks like it, too. So, other than saying that the store this was carried in must have been pretty upscale, I can't offer any insight.
Is the collar mink? Looks like it from my photos.

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I had a taffeta and chiffon evening dress by Cameo a while ago - 1950s, good quality, not top of the line, but nice. Let me see if I can find a photo. yes- here's a small one. It's the same label.

