60's Jacket/Coat w/Erotic/Nude Lining - sellable?


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60\'s Jacket/Coat w/Erotic/Nude Lining - sellable?

Happy Monday!

Well... ok, maybe that was a bit much, Mondays are never really happy are they? ;)
Anyhoo, I found this jacket/coat for the fiancé, but um, it's a tad small. The reason I love it SO much is the super funky/rad NUDE ladies doing *blush* stuff in the lining!!!
Anyhoo, can I get some comments on it? Part of me thinks that to the right group of people (wanna be playboys) etc, this would be a GREAT hit. How do I pull 'em in though?


p.s. Nevermind the silly fiancé in the pics - he likes to go over the top when he "models" for me!

<img src='http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-3/674349/Img_3676.jpg' >
<img src='http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-3/674349/Img_3674.jpg' >
<img src='http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-3/674349/Img_3677.jpg' >
<img src='http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-3/674349/Img_3681.jpg' >
<img src='http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-3/674349/Img_3682.jpg' >
<img src='http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-3/674349/Img_3683.jpg' >
That is a very cool lining... "Pinup lining?"

Is the jacket a bit small on him? on the pic it almost looks like he would not be able to button it but it might just be the angle.
Wow that is really kinda interesting! Reminds me of one of those magazines that is more on the smutty side, not like Playboy

I acually think this could do well if the right folks find it.

I'll be curious to see how it ends.

Hi Kat,

See that's what I'm thinking too, if the "right" folks find it, it'll do real well. Or NO ONE will find it, and it'll get one bid. That's why I want to be sure I get the right keywords, 'cause no one is gonna type in, "nude lining".
They might type in nude or maybe naughty. Pinup is another good kw as Gail suggested. If your feeling brave you might try hardcore. Peek-a-boo is another possibility, provacative, risque, shameless, tatalizing.

I know it sounds kinda simplistic but I do check the thesaurus a lot.

Really??? Man, I hope the jacket performs well!!
It's going up on the block this Sunday, around 6:30ish EST.

I'm getting butterflies in my stomache now!
That is so naughty! I think the others are right --- this definitely has a market, but it will be up to the key words to help them find it.

And the fiance is a cutie! What a sport!
that's pretty cool - i think if you list it right you'll be onto a winner. kat give you some great keywords. maybe sinful too?

at least your fiancee looks like he's enjoying himself. when i got my husband to model he just stood there like a sack of potatoes! good luck with it! :USETHUMBUP:
Thanks cosmic! Hopefully I'll come up with just the right kw's!!!
Hatty, yeah, he's pretty cool that way. Plus I happened to ask him RIGHT after he got a new hair cut, so he was feeling pretty randy ;)