60's mod pink & mocha tweed coat + dress - list separately?


VFG Past President
60\'s mod pink & mocha tweed coat + dress - list separately?

Or together?

<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/bigchief/pinktweedGALLERY.jpg" width=337 height=349>

Thanks so much for your opinion :)

I really like it together! How often does one get to have a matching set! Great Set at that! great colors!
Me too! They're perfect together. Plus, it seems to me like mod coats are doing better than mod dresses, so I'd guess the dress would be a bit 'harder sell' alone, while I'd also expect the dress to 'up' the coat value.

At first I was thinking you may do better separately, but no...I think as a
set (and it would save listing fees too). I would start no lower than $49.99.

Huh. Or Hummm...

I'd pretty much decided to list them separately, but now I don't know WHAT to do! Chris - yes, the sizes work - I'm certain that these were made as a set & bought that way.

The dress is actually better than the coat - (that means I like it better :) ) - it's just a really good mod dress - great colors, great cut and the fabric is a really luxe wool gab. But surely in this tweed-mad market it'll be the coat that gets the looks.

OK, up it goes tomorrow as a set. Probably.

Thanks everyone -


Adorable! Don't break up the family!!

I vote for set!!

Cheers ~ Maureen
You guys have too many cool coats up!! I will have to spend three weeks up north in the winter just for the excuse to get some : ) it IS fall for 5 months where i live instead of winter..,,,hmmm....LOL

I am assuming the sizes are the same and I think they are a perfect match and the coat compliments the shift, the shift compliments the coat!!!

Very pretty set and it would be sad if they had to be split up!!
