70's Black Trench Cape - ?Gothic :)


70\'s Black Trench Cape - ?Gothic :)

Hi everyone,

I really like this black trench-type cape by Niccolini. Normally the Niccolini trenchs I've seen have been really conservative types - this one is slightly different!

I have a few questions on who to market to and what keywords would suit. Gothic? What about Pagan or Wicca? I'm not really familiar with using these keywords.

Am I heading in the right direction, or have I taken a wrong turn :D



<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/shygarden2/capi1.jpg" width=390 height=648>

<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/shygarden2/capi5.jpg" width=350 height=638>

<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/shygarden2/capi7.jpg" width=318 height=635>

<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/shygarden2/capi4.jpg" width=309 height=642>
Thanks Chris! :)

It is really an unusual piece for this company - normally all of the stuff that I've seen by Niccolini (70s) is really conservative raglans/trenchs.

Glad to hear I'm going in the right direction :)

It's giving me dark-little-red-riding-hood vibes... Not the typical pointy-sleeved velvet gothic cape that people go for, but nevertheless very charismatic - hope it does well!

That's what was confusing me in a way. I'm sure when it was made it wasn't meant to be dark - but it really gives off that type of vibe today :)

I'm hoping to get it listed tomorrow and I'm curious to see how it does!


Revise this auction quick!

I just checked out your listing for this cape, and saw the detail of the button.

It shows the coat of arms for the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire LIght Infantry - meaning that this is a military reenactment garment.

See their website here: http://www.io.com/tog/

ox and bucks light infantry

You'll need to list in militaria or something? And costume supplies? You could always e-mail them, ask what model the cape is based on (date etc.) then point out in the auction that the button could be replaced with whichever regiment people want to affiliate themselves with.

Problem is... I'm not sure how many miltary reenactors will bid for costume modelled on a female manniquin...

The goths'll still love it, probably - they're always buying military/uniform surplus...

Gosh Lin - thanks so much!

I've just sent off an email to see if I they can tell me what the cape is/represents.

Well that just opens up another kettle of fish! The red hair won't help a military auction now will it! :hysterical: Drats - I'll have to cut off her head....but wait, I can't because of the hood.....sheesh.

I can't believe I didn't google the button.....*bangs hand on head*! :wacko: I'm glad you saw it!

I'll let you know what I find out :)

hmm Diane,.... I've been assuming this is WW2, but I'm just wondering now whether it's earlier - like WW1 or so... (ie. most literally a 'trench cape')

you know what? This might not be useful unless you want to relist entirely. But the Ox and Bucks light infantry *museum* is actually <i>in</i> Oxford - I could take a 20 minute or so cycle ride over there to check out their uniforms or buttonhole the curator. Sometime this week and not on a definite day, unfortunately...

Perhaps the Texas reenactor will come up with the info, but the offer's there.

Um, I'm sure it's very clear and I'm being a bit fantastical. But it <i>is</i> definitely a repro, is it?

Actually, scratch that - you say you're familiar with Niccolini? I don't know them, but if they're modern, maybe they even just appropriated the button...

How baffling this is!!

Hi Lin and thanks again!

Thanks for your kind offer :) I did get an answer back from the website you posted and pics have been forwarded to their uniform person - hopefully he/she will be able to shed some light on it.

It definitely is a repro - Niccolini was around in the 70s and made conservative raglans/trenchs for ladies. If it is indeed a repro of a military outfit then that would explain the unusual look (for that company, anyway).

I've spent ages looking for re-enactment capes to no avail......hopefully I'll get an answer. As soon as I hear back, I'll post :)

In the meantime, I've revised the listing - subject to another change I'm sure!
