80s Lilli Rubin "Jump Suit" - help with Keywords for this - please

Teresas Treasures

Registered Guest
80s Lilli Rubin \"Jump Suit\" - help with Keywords for this - please

I typically stay away from these but this one was so interesting I decided to try it.. Lilli Rubin, the top part is Black and White Chamois lether, long metal zipper in the front..

Can I use Avant Garde with this one? And jump suit - is that what they are called?



I think avant garde deffinately applies :-) but thats just my oponion... and isnt that what Avant Garde is about any way your opinion :-) I would not put this in the description but reminds me of a cow ...i hope thats not offensive??

yea a jump suit, perhaps you could get away with a romper :-) well you can.. I dont know I guess people look up jump suit I just personaly don't like the word... makes it less classy sounding to me... I have seen some call it a onsie .. most common is Jumpsuit, ROMPER Jumpsuit or Jumper. seen a few playsuits in there..

Hope that helps :-)