A Beautiful Thing Happened Tonight.


Registered Guest
Had an amazing conversation with a woman who had come into my shop over the weekend....I immediately created a word doc. so I wouldn't forget the details & how it touched me, and then decided to blog it <a href=http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=7849895&blogID=221173628&MyToken=d69f63a2-d4f1-4932-a1b4-9440a8c934b9>HERE</a>

Its long but its worth it. Hope you guys don't mind me sharing that here! Ang
I was very moved by the cadence and imagery of your words and the story itself. Beautiful writing and very poignant. It would make a lovely story for film don't you think? I can see it sll very clearly how th efilm would move in and out of the imagery and the dialogue...Lovely, lovely words...
A wonderful story Ang! Thanks for sharing. It lends a bit of insight into what is so special about vintage.
Lovely Ang! I have had a number of wonderful encounters with older women, and I think it is delightful of you to share this.

One of my recent purchases was with a woman so soft spoken that I almost couldn't tell where to go to meet her. She had an accent of some sort but I couldn't discern it. She was sweeping the walk when I arrived at her home, and I saw the most beautiful face imaginable when she smiled at me!

Spokane is predominantly white, with the largest minority being Native American. The woman I met is African American. She came to Spokane on VJ Day, and lost her two daughters when they were relatively young...I knew that because of her not being able to share her incredible 50s clothing with anyone in her family.

She--Elaine is her name--is now my friend and confidant. I love The Great Generation. So many are such ideal individuals, resilient, caring, kind, generous...
It's good to remember that the women who lived in these clothes we sell have seen so many things in their lifetime.
I think of my grandmother, who wore her 40s & 50s dresses while working the switchboard at the phone company...and now we don't even need cords on our phones!
I was very moved by the cadence and imagery of your words and the story itself. Beautiful writing and very poignant. It would make a lovely story for film don't you think? I can see it sll very clearly how th efilm would move in and out of the imagery and the dialogue...Lovely, lovely words...

i wholeheartedly agree!
Maggie...isn't it really the best part of what we do, learning about the people who cherished the clothing? I much prefer to buy from the owner rather than the estate....I love to hear the stories (though often they carry I higher price tag when sold that way!). Its worth it, when affordable!

Thanks all of you for taking time to read that. I'm glad I got it documented before I forgot what we talked about....I look forward to speaking with Maureen again!

Oh my golly Ang! l'm afraid this has brought tears to my eyes and a lump to my throat....and wonderfully captured, you have a great way with words, succinct without encumbering them with more than necessary to tell your story! there is real 'beauty' with vintage on so many levels!!

l was particularly drawn the the paragraph...

''We talked about technology alienating us from each other, and more so from ourselves, an observation her granddaughter made while her last week. I can't help thinking that not only do I not quote poetry to my daughter….but that due to the aforementioned technology, I don't even have to really "do" the dishes. ''

a gentle reminder to make more of the simple moments with my daughter....funny how my 12 yr old son has asked me to show him how to make bread and to increase his cooking repertoire!! as he notes silently that his sister has baked again!! another opportunity....not to be missed...

thank you for sharing this...
Sorry Ang for the all the mispellings in my comment above...I have a bad case of right hand moves faster then the left over the keyboard and then a badder case of reflex quick hit the send button...Regardless, of spelling I meant everything I wrote..-Lorinda