A blog about my blog


Registered Guest
A lady called Rebecca has found my blog/web site about the history of hosiery and wrote a blog about it , which is really nice of her and made me very happy, if your are reading this Rebecca and a member here thank you very much.

p.s there's are no links so I hope it's ok to put it up.
Thank you very much, it's often used by teachers as a WWII resource b ecuse it has not got any glamour photos like other stocking sited.

I had to take down any comment place as I often got unwelcome comments made of a adult nature (That'sputting it politely)

What get me all the time no matter what period you look at, is the big machines which are used to make such a delicate and fine item, the same might be said about the production of cloth also .
I know what you mean about inappropriate comments - I get thousands! At last count it was about half a million.

As a result all posters are moderated for their initial comment: I find that spammers/rude people never think to post one nice comment and then return to be vile, so it works well. Perhaps try something similar on your blog?
The way I see it :- the people who really count when it comes to comments good or critical ,are the ones you know well or maybe with you on other places i.e here or Face Book where ever it may be.

thus not I do not have to put up with rude people any more, and do not really loose out on useful ones either from people you know and trust as they find a way to talk to you.

P.S The best comment I have ever had was when I had one of the best UK vintage model on my page (She's a really female) and some idiot said "she looks like a very passable cross dresser better than you"