A cape spun by spiders!

Wow, that is incredible... and gorgeous!

Thanks for posting both links, Amber--great info in both...

I guess the Golden Orb spider must spin a yellow web, then? That must be quite a sight (though I hope I never run into one of the spiders themselves, which are apparently not petite!)

Nice that they released the (1.2 million!) spiders unharmed after they did their Rapunzel gig...
" the golden orb spider, a species of arachnid commonly found in Madagascar."

...or in Australian backyards...we have dozens of these beauties every spring/summer. In fact, we have to be careful of going outside because they are big and their webs strong. We usually do an inventory, to keep track of them so we don't walk into their webs when we go out to the toilet (yes, we have an outside toilet, it's an unrenovated 1942 house).

I love them and yes, they do have a yellow web but it doesn't always look yellow, it depends on how big it is and what the light is like. You can see pics here on Wikipedia, don't recommend you click if you don't like spiders.

Great articles, thank you for posting! I love how they incorporated spider-related motifs.
That is most amazing textile story!!!! I am a total textile nerd and you just made my day. So many thoughts are running through my head right now. If I were a textile engineer I would be trying to find out how to replicate this fiber on a larger scale. Talk about fabric of the gods!!! Can you imagine a gown created from such ethereal material. The second article says it is so light you can't even feel it against the skin... I NEED to see this. Wonder if it will ever be shown in the States?
Thank you Amber! I love stuff like this.

Glad you guys like it! My husband was telling me about it yesterday morning and I knew it was something I had to share here.

On a related note, I am a science junkie and am always watching Science Channel. Last year I was watching a program about how science fiction can turn to reality. So they were talking about transportation to space via the whole "beam me up Scotty" teleportation thing. Where the scientists were hesitant to say that teleportation could ever be possible, they did discuss somthing quite interesting. Space elevators. Where a strong cable would extend from earth into space where a single person could ride at high speed into space where he could meet a space station or craft. The only issue they were having was needing a cable made of something strong and flexible enough to withstand weather forces here on Earth and to not be brittle or snap. They suggested that the only material that exists on Earth that could do the job was spider silk. They stated that a narrow cable of spider silk is stonger than steel, flexible and near indestructable. Such amazing stuff!!