a confession

Yesterday I bought a delicious 50's prom dress.. paid too much for it.. I don't have a prayer of wearing it..

here's the confession part

Last night I hung it on the window next to my side of the bed so I could look at it first thing this morning with the sun coming through the window

anyone else like that? What have you done for the LOVE of vintage.. tell me your dirty secrets!
I've done the same with tasty shoes on the bedside table. My boyfriend has been kind enough not to comment.
I shop for my manni like I would a smaller sized sister...and when I find something exactly in her size I think gleefully "Linda will look so wondeful in this piece! She'll be so happy!"...then I rush home to have her model it. I also add vintage clothing to my personal closet that I know will never fit me becasue I just like looking at them and feeling that they are mine... Joanne
I do the same thing with my manni! Oh yes...like...she needs a new pair of jeans to model tops and sweaters...or wouldn't this necklace look good on her...LOL.

I love old books and magazines and I lay them on the coffee table to make believe it is that year and not the 21st century. I surely wish I could order from some of the old catalogs I have and at those prices!

I have loads of vintage clothing that I have not even attempted to list. I just like to see them hanging there.:)
yes its officail l am sad too...where t start or what to admit to here..is this private no its out there...ummmm let me think, a manni in the bedroom, two in the green house, and now l'm about to transfer all greenhouse gardening items into one greenhouse, and make the other my sanctuary....as l cant afford or persuaded Dh to have a purple shed in the back garden for me....so l will furnish with lloyd loom type chairs, painted lilac and make cushions out of great fabrics, l have some satin purple and lime green shiny 30's curtains, so perhaps l may break a rule here and cut them up if l can bear to, probably NOT!!

l will put up arty postcards, and l have light and heating so, both my easils and my mannis dressed for the season....and an old record player and a radio?? maybe l could fit in a phonogram....if there is room, l will spend my free time painting and sculpting for down time....
l have a bust draped in velvet covered with vintie brooches, my bedroom is full of my handbag colletcion as both my glass cabinets moved out in the move....

admission, does anyone else dream about what they would IF they had the house to themselves?? but of course wouldnt have it that way..but IF....or a separate house to myself, and move home every night...dream on
is this sad or what???
Oh, I forgot my vintage manni in my bedroom. She is dressed in a white eyelet vintage slip. (I am not even counting the other two in the basement bedroom or the dress forum on the porch.)

I also have vintage hats across my mirror of my vanity and a vintage purse with vintage gloves laying across. Oh brother, I am worse than I thought.

Sara, your idea sounds wonderful! I would love to see pictues when you get it all fixed up.
Whenever I get a "new" antique corset, I sleep with it beside my bed so I can look at it before I go to sleep and when I wake up! LOL, my 18th century stays stayed beside my bed for a month before parting with them.:BAGUSE:

you think I'm sick now.. just wait till next week when Dutch finally asks if I'm planning to sell the dress still hanging right next to my bed
Bonnie is right! Youz are all a bunch of weirdos! :icon_dante:

However, since it's just Antoinette and myself here, I like to keep her dressed in something nice, least she stand around nekkid. :embaressed:
