A couple of 40's (?) crochet handbags - I need all kinds of help!


VFG Past President
A couple of 40\'s (?) crochet handbags - I need all kinds of help!

I've picked up a few handbags recently without knowing much about them other than that they're *nice* - I'm hoping you all can help me to date and describe them accurately so I can list them without sounding like a total ignoramus :)

First up -

<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/bigchief/bagsideWALL.jpg" width=478 height=613>

<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/bigchief/bagCLASP.jpg" width=594 height=443>

<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/bigchief/bagCROdet2.jpg" width=549 height=454>

I'm guessing it's 40's - or is it earlier? Is there a term for this style handbag? The frame - carved celluoid?

And this one -

<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/bigchief/cr_1.jpg" width=540 height=630>

<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/bigchief/CRclasp.jpg" width=494 height=630>

40's? And the frame - it looks more silver (less brass) than it does in the photo. I'm guessing it's silver (nickel silver?plate?) over brass. And I think there's a term for the (embossing) -- is there?

Many thanks in advance for your help,

To me, from the handle detail, the first bag looks to be Corde'. It is not "yarny"...has a thick smooth cable like quality to the threads, right? The frame is wonderful. Corde' was very big in the 40s, and in fact there were many books about making your own corde' purses. I have not seen this particular type of weave before, but that is nothing new. I cannot say for certain that it is not slightly earlier, but that is really when Corde' was known if that means anything.
I am going out on a limb here..... I have a bag simalar to the black one... I really thought mine was late 30's with that frame. Does the frame have "seams"?

Both are lovely though!! A collector is going to appreciate them!
here is a quick snap of mine.....


To me yours looks more like regular crochet (might be a similar technique with a different substance. Corde' would not be variegated.) and the frame is a bit more stylized than Carolyn's. its very cool!!!!
Wow - that bag is basically the same as mine, but the soft summery colors! Surely that's unusual. And if your bag is 30's, then mine is too :)

As for whether the frame is seamed - I don't think so. Here's what happened when I tried to scan it - had to manipulate the image a bit (a bit!) to make the details visible ~

<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/bigchief/bizzaroscan.jpg" width=524 height=347>

BTW the lining is black silk twill with gold embroidered triangles.

Chris, corde hadn't occured to me - I think I've only ever seen it laid out in, well, cords - or coils, or similar - you know what I mean.

Re: nekkid manni thigh - are you scandalized? :D

Alana, no I am not "the expert", just one of the most obsessed (evil laugh). I don't always nail head on pre 40s bags all the time, but am learning more and more.
Just bumping this up so any handbag mavens who haven't seen it might have a look and maybe answer my burning questions - namely

- 40's for both, or maybe 30's for the black, 50's for the white?

- the black one - crochet, yeah or nay? :) The frame - celluloid?

- the white one - what is this type of embossed metal frame called?

Carolyn, your black one is absolutely identical to a dark navy one I
sold last year. It did look like corde, however mine was crochet out of
thin cotton wrapped cord thread. The lady I bought mine from said it was her mom's and that it had been made from a kit in the early 40s (so that's what I dated mine at).
